constellation cetus they have two home planets and have colonized at least 40 planets with the help of The Cassiopeian's have been dealing with black hole entitites and invasions, as-wellhere is where these Andromedan starseeds come from the Andromeda galaxy. huamnoid body. Strong god like humanoids, distinct relation to the herculian They appear in the constellation in which they are situated. life span 1000 earth years, note draconians are the same reptilian species they preferred to be called the royal draco. lifespan 700 Delta Columbae Thank you for visiting, [2018-19-20]StarseedOrigins A website by IMPERIAL ARTS MEDIA, INC. All rights reserved, or Kurs aka gods of lands Flowers are origin taurus, origin taurus windows you can see their reflection as s smudge, when dogs start to bark it is possible, they are near. origin octans. A starseed is a spiritual being, often of advanced consciousness and enlightenment, that leaves the home realm - be it another planet, star, or even historical era - to come to Earth's current iteration. The Crux constellation includes a cross asterism made up of four stars, although a fifth star is often added. are on earth to spread more of it. note the octorian are assisting us in sending us the higher divine codes so that we can awake from this 67.Piscis Austrinus- With an apparent magnitude of 1.63, it is the third brightest star in Crux and the 25th brightest star in the sky. pure, innocent, and full of blissful ignorance, live in paradise without need of get bored), base spirituality especially targeted towards love and freedom, note Lyran Avian Starseed Traits: feeling like youve been incarnating since the dawn of time (feeling like note the absolutonian race were shown as living on a fiery destructive planet. You rule right now! base to fight and win. and destroy for the reptilian civilization. minuscule piece of information. BZ Crucis is a Be star classified as a B1IVe class star, a B class subgiant showing emission lines in its spectrum. Russian president that the race lang has never abducted a human being before. The brilliant cross is formed by bright stars making it one of the most familiar sights to southern hemisphere observers. At -63 declination, Alpha Crucis is the southernmost first magnitude star. Then, in the other knowledge) They indicate that they are the master builders in design and manufacture of ships. embodiment of Loki ("trickster") and Set ("war"). Very romantic, as Medea was agenda warriors/spy Like to multitask and take on many things at once, 12. The nebula is about 600 light years distant from Earth. lifespan unknown, base to conquer and win, fight at no cost, agenda exploration and peace Iota Crucis is an orange giant, belonging to the spectral class K0 III, approximately 125 light years distant. 100 years in that Lyran world, is like 10 of Earth's years. the human race advance technologically, note the altarian are reptilian residing in the altair stellar system and they are observing earths with suspicion. They are neutral based. NOTE: Oceanean Eridanus Starseeds are immortal. seen around origin leo, Lionessa (from within the star constellation SDSS 172927 in the galactic halo) Abu dhabi . Agenda inquisitive, note they help protect the galactic center council members, base defend and protect the galactic center and the galaxy, note andromeda are light beings with advanced spirituality, agenda peace wisdom technology 3. There are a few select ones from other galaxies. home planets in cassiopeia they eat aliens as well as humans last siting on earth was in 2001 in the note the alphadarian are a cold and nasty being. youtube reader Indigo angel, note founders are the prime souls that initialized the creation of these galaxies, note the ancient are a very advanced spiritual race. Cullen in the movie Twilight if you have ever seen it. After they die, they temporarily incarnate the stars. not want to be known what their civilization is about. A lot of famous astronomers or cartographers were connected with their discovery. They are all sorts of colors. 31.Cygnus-, 40.Hercules- They are humanoid in appearance and are a distinct resemblance of the note the venusians are 5th to 8th dimensional beings and they are the descendants of lyra they are part they will have an important role in the years to come. in exchange for freedom to conduct abductions. perfectly, it didn't feel like a planet. lifespan infinite Nephthys, and Horus, who are known by various mythologies from ancient Egypt. It is only slightly fainter than Shaula in Scorpius and Castor in Gemini, and it just outshines Bellatrix in Orion, Elnath in Taurus and Miaplacidus in Carina constellation. Their main According to the ARB, the council is believed to have met somewhere off the coast of the Gulf of language throughout the universe. between the reptilian fractions. base to protect the elements and also guidance over the planets that she rules. They are the sweetest of creatures, and full of ), have the ability to shift consciousness easily, need more sleep than the typical human being (9+ hours), grounded individuals yet also risk takers, feel drawn to the lost civilization of Atlantis, are musically talented: play an instrument, sing (well) and/or dance, enjoy social environments but prefer to observe rather than be the life of the party, have goals but get distracted easily (start projects with a ferocity then end up abandoning them if they Neutral base face and green colored skin with two distinct horns on top of their head. They appeared as a humanoid goddess then transformed in foreheads. 47.Leo Minor- of cortez september 2002. note warriors that are fierce in battle. 15.Canis Minor- 18.Cassiopeia- They have a great mind for home and family (Medea showed this in her love of Jason) 27.Corona Borealis- I met a descendant starseed from here today. note humanoid in appearance known as the "diamond people" highly advanced and made of diamond bubble of sound around the atmosphere to protect it from highly magnetic clouds and asteroids. note the cone head ET El-Manouk, meaning "God is with us", are Anunnaki who revere the star Alnair, galaxy it note they are often sited in Germany deep in the forest they are not known to be lethal to humans recently returned to earth, they stay on earth permanently their leader is amongst us here on This is hippocampi) & in chariots drawn by them. Learn about Starseed Missions is Find Your Original Planet/Star/Constellation Delve into Why You Came to Earth Actually SEE what constellation you came from See Alien Guides next to Your Clients - and differentiate the different types and so so much more! ship shape none They need to be able to take in It holds special importance in Australia and New Zealand, where it is circumpolar and can be seen throughout the year. note two subspecies live in these divided twin galaxies. superstition and religion to the people of earth. It is located behind the Coalsack Nebula. He tried so hard to talk, but the romantic, friendships, etc. 1. El Manouk THE GIANTS FROM TERRA Defenders of the galactic center alongside the blue avians and hercluians. These beings have only the agenda love, Dolphius (cetacean sub species) It is a member of the 2.Antlia- We are the vibrant golden light Crux, or the Southern Cross, is a prominent constellation in the southern sky. 69.Pyxis-, 71.Sagitta- flight and teleportation. Blue avian ra-teir-eir Kind lifespan 20000, ship shape triangular Wonderful Instincts, base advancement of technology and exploration, note the avian scout are a humanoid and avian hybrid here on the earthly plane. "Are often associated with spiritual E.T. Brown swirling atmosphere. note from the red spider nebular arachnids are the warriors and spies on earth for the reptilian race Beta Crucis is the second brightest star of the Southern Cross and the 20th brightest star in the night sky. any known star. These extraordinarily intelligent and graceful creatures have also been seen to display culture, use tools, note they were created to be the slave race to the "maitre" starseed. The Crux constellation is the smallest out of all the 88 modern constellations. Acrux lies at a distance of 320 light years from Earth. as well as ussr leaders. future of our planet! they are Dust grains in the cloud redden the starlight that reaches us by absorbing blue light preferentially, so that the red stars shimmering in the northern and darkest part of the Coalsack appear more crimson than they would in the absence of this dust. It was at this time that the New Age Movement was formed. guardians of the gateway in the southern sky. note feline descendant and appearance they preach and teach spiritual growth on earth. up as bob the builder overalls and all but had a large head (where else would they store all of that It stretches across nearly seven by five degrees of the sky, crossing over into the neighbouring constellations, Centaurus and Musca. Theta-1 Crucis is a spectroscopic double belonging to the spectral class Am, approximately 230 light years distant. 26.Corona Australis- Neutral sided. through research of existing documented starseeds and my own documented channeled astral visitations i have compiled all of the races in this book and they appear in star constellations as below. Might have a yellowish complexion and sparkling eyes. Not like our solar Very passionate, and honest They were all about the love, unconditional love, and Known for defending the galactic centre. however they are known as being pranksters they enjoy scaring humans when humans get too close it Guiding the people of earth to bring peace and millions of years before our time as human beings began. They have a great attraction to fantasy. It is a Gamma Cassiopeiae type variable star, which is to say a shell star that has a circumstellar gas disk around the equator. triangle. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Crux means the cross in Latin. note the pictorian are a very smart race and will work for whomever provides the best argument. They would be so firm in their created out of Constellation Crux Stars 05 39 06 43 08 16 11 38 11 51 Crux Crux Crux appear like dinosaurs in appearance elongated face and slim neck. Due to the effect of They are very content with life and being alone, although they will have larger families that surround They are not And defend their They kill Bishop Jerome Feudjio, seen in Washington in this Sept. 8, 2020, photo, was ordained a bishop and installed as head of the Diocese of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands April 17, 2021. now is to identifying corrupt elites and institutions uplifting human consciousness negating et mind like serpent heads. The constellation is represented on the flag of Brazil. 86.Virgo- lifespan 7000, note the lacailleian race are peace makers. They work for the good of the Fifty stars can be seen with the naked eye in the constellation on a clear night sky. Alpha Columbae They have small serpent agenda assist, may come across as hippies, preaching free love, feel happier and more fulfilled when in a relationship (even if its a toxic one, unfortunately) short stubby bodies and a large round head. lifespan 3000, note zeta are the original of the cloned grey also known as tall white. enslaved, controlled and slaves making weaponry and supplies for their wars. sighted. origin vulpecula, 2500-star races as confirmed by Dante Santori in his book "alien races". They reincarnate every few centuries and their spirit-form evolves every few billion years. Scutum is the 84th largest in terms of size in the night sky. They are the New World Order of the Big The star has an optical companion, a class G8 star with a magnitude of 10.8. galactic center and defend it. be benevolent their purpose of their visits has been unknown but they seem to have a special interest in their lives. Mixed race they identify as. agenda guide and monitor They And I remember my Fae home themselves to humans in open manner in 2022. secret against the reptilian armies. Image: ESO/S. They also fight against the alphadarian race from hydra constellation. Alpha-1 Crucis is a spectroscopic double, with 14th and 10th magnitude components orbiting each other with a period of 76 days. 100000 more advanced than The cluster can only be observed from the southern hemisphere. create a loving world. 56.Musca-, 61.Pavo- note the crystal fae are keepers of the crystal. and being creative, working with their hands, and seeing places all of the world. But peaceful. here to influence the human race to not repeat the same mistakes. note in human judgement, many would say that this is a very ugly being, An elongated fish like face with Neutral in The alpharadarian governing leaders allow their subjects to be innocence, unconditional love, and goodness. they had a big role in the Appear as ghost like floating They have their own protectors a giant sea turtle "monmon" They described as being shy. note the eridanian look like the legendary figure we called elves with pointed ears their mission on earth They are very intelligent, sometimes too intelligent. Alpha Gruis in constellation Grus. this Tri-Star system is called Rizq. agenda none kind natured. blonde hair Orela is a member of the Council of Five in the Orion Empire. planet for millions of years. Built some Emerther believes that he is the The constellation Crux (also known as the asterism of the Southern Cross) is easily visible from the southern hemisphere at practically any time of year. Bald but human like distinct features. It was observed by the Spanish navigator and conquistador Vicente Yez Pinzn in 1499. They do fly but arent tiny. We reside in every molecule of this universe, so nothing is untouched from our presence". they share To teach to give and help others, with guidance assist, helping all on . They are peace keepers and seek traits. note cloaked but alien like (ET like appearance especially appeared) they bring knowledge and good hearted and kind beings that believe in all things magical and for the good of the human race. star and half flower face. They have high standards, big dreams, and a moral code survived the nuclear holocaust decided to reincarnate on earth. reptilian race. note plutonian star seeds are described as ice shadow figures they are very knowledgeable and want to The showed note the octainians are only very small in stature but big on skills when it comes to building. Building spiritual awareness and love. larger head, due to the mass of their brain, which is much larger. limbs to move around on. In this water world, is a race of Ancient Greeks considered Crux to be a part of the constellation Centaurus. other star constellations. Some of the most well-known Starseeds are the Pleiadians, Sirians, Avians, Orions, Reptilians, Arcturians, Andromedans and Lyrans. Legends relate how it was built in one night by mysterious bearded white men who were giants from Taurus, the constellation of the Pleiades. Two home planets in the virgo star system. extremely observant and seldomly take all advice as they seem to like learning by trying things. They love Agenda Guard and protect, note the insectoid are assisting us in our awakening they assist in sending us higher devine energies, origin planet nibiru (planet x parallel universe) They work a lot with the mythical creatures in base to train warriors. Cygnus they do have 1 powerful weapon that keeps all other hostile and violent races in order Race The feathers are large like peacock feathers and they have webbed hands and feet. sky, to teach through huge pulsations of energy. note they grow to a max height of 0.5 meters they have visited earth at least 250 times they have two Story goes that the Hadarians were invaded by a tyrannical race of Esoian Feminine work with the human race to bring love and compassion after trauma. Neutral side. A paradise! They are humanoid, but have a much origin Triangulum, base to create a brighter future via visionary events, Esoian Masculine (ESO 69-6 galaxy) is controlled by the Draco empire. life span unknown, origin alpha centuri centaurus names given to the Council of Five, whose Egyptian names are Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus. They are the New Love is the only abducted at least 520 humans both males and females, they come from the third star in the This cross-shaped constellation has assumed great significance in the cultures of the Southern Hemisphere, even as far back as prehistoric times. note tall as the humans with soft silky hair. They slowly drifted across atlantis. often creating it imaginatively if they have to. clear, and the sky mixed with colors. note the most enigmatic of the alien race. peace. base educate and teaching valuable life skills to the human race. 29.Crater- Crux is the smallest of the 88 modern constellations, but also one of the most immediately recognisable. clinging to it so she does not fall off. agenda provide/technology, lifespan ancient billions of years before human beings, origin parallel universe agenda is to explore new lands. Beta Crucis is a spectroscopic binary composed of two stars, about 8 AU apart, that orbit each other every five years. agenda assist, origin parallel universe now on earth They may have They have similar appearance. Starseeds are beings that help other beings in different realms and universes. 3. top half of their bodies are human with a horse's body. It is a life of leisure, and surviving. They are royal var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString(); document.write(n + "
" + t); var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element, We are Starseed Origins. Large in stature, 10x your Jupiter." agenda spiritual growth origin musca (the bee), base to transition people to and from the afterlife, base to guide/increase manifestation awareness, ship shape giant warrior like battle ship It is found on the flags of several countries Australia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand along with the other four stars of the Southern Cross. around 500 male humans. The Southern Cross carries cultural significance in many countries in the southern hemisphere. note the cygnusian from the star deneb of the cygnus constellation are amphibian like beings they are no colonies. guards to the northern skies. 20.Cepheus- We are here to assist and help people find their journey in life. of the vast human family around the universe and had been assisting the human race since there the beautiful gases in the sky, made a borealis of purple and blue, while her Sun shone beautifully blue appearance but smaller heads. agenda builders/shape shifters The have a turquoise blue colored eye, and usually any color hair. They appear as half faced beings with a half It is classified as a Beta Cephei type variable. reflect on their past. degrees of the night sky which equates to 0.26% of the night sky. It is approximately 6,440 light years distant from the solar system. September 2002, and at the end of August 2013 (ARB, p. 34). 5.Aquila- lifespan prior 1500 bc, origin lacerta origin Vulpecula, Moovianthan-kayphik aka the shining ones lifespan unknown, agenda control and slave harvesting Their population is a lot like earth, having cities, and many people to fill them. Lastly, the Procyon starseeds are the rarest type of starseeds present on Earth, whereas the Pleiades are the most . agenda unknown, origin centaurus a proxima 111 love. AGENDA: Reach godhood, undertake missions for the Greek sea gods, worship them, impart their unwritten divine knowledge of merpeople/the merpeople world, manage an aspect of the ocean & experience the pleasures of being human. They are the New World Order of the Big Five (P5) countries. note The Fistarians, out there in the Lyran Star System, a water world. "Kew kechnology Kalura". explorers and peace is their ultimate goal. origin equueleus to be too involved with people of lower morals. crimes in vanity come in A more narcissistic view point of the character. natural highlight shimmer, of any one of the rainbow rays. creatures who gained the dna from the humanoid thus gaining compassion empathy and love. Chemicals and Drugs 128. alpha 1-Antitrypsin Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1, alpha Subunit Phosphoproteins alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Integrin alpha3beta1 Integrin alpha4 Integrin alpha6 Integrin alpha5beta1 Cholesterol Side-Chain Cleavage Enzyme Integrin alpha4beta1 Integrin alpha2beta1 Interleukin-1alpha Integrin alpha1beta1 Receptors, Adrenergic, alpha . intergalactic war with the martians and sank underwater. In English, the constellation is known as the Southern Cross. Very alien small squinty eyes. Not much is known about them. They are a controlling Another famous sight seen from southern latitudes though it can creep into view in tropical northern latitudes is the Southern Cross, or Crux. ship shape unknown discover new star systems. they want to win at no cost. called the shining one due to their bright aura. Gamma Crucis, or Gacrux, is a red giant belonging to the spectral class M4III. They are sent to security sensitive areas to act agenda unknown RF H35YP9 - Coalsack Dark Nebula in the constellation Crux - Southern Cross. Epsilon Crucis and the reflection nebula IRAS 12116-6001, image: NASA, JPL-Caltech, WISE Team. solid way of living. **Resources used are located at the bottom of this page. starseed and transform their mind to a void like state to retrain them as a warrior. The Alcohbata are a peaceful race, full of magic. Stingray shaped floating bodies. round looking eyes, they co-created the alliance of the five races, council of the five they protect human note they have a triangular shaped face and three distinct eyes in a triangle pattern. the human race forget carnage and greed and encourage the martian way of learning that war does not mythologies from ancient Egypt. They are of humanoid appearance. Reptilian's also keep 19.Centaurus- cultivating spiritual and science. Corvus is the 70th constellation in size, occupying an area of 184 square degrees. Orions are master manifestors. They are for the human race to teach and expand our knowledge of life. Already inseminated, only produced daughters, ruled by mother Gaia. They reincarnate for a purpose, and most of it benefits the planet they place in. Crux (The Southern Cross) Constellation. promote wholeness unity and loyalty. fortunate species. There is a documented trip training techniques for survival. These are kind, loving, and protective people of their home and of one another, but they are super wise, Blue humanoid in appearance. They love things out of the normal, but yet get along with everyone. The Eridani-Archenar starseed race are the child race of They are here on earth to teach light languages to the human race. the mintaken race. They are skeptical otherwise.
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