Build and employ diverse teams who think, create and attack problems from diverse perspectives. No masculine role models or father/son interaction in commercials. No, but they see opportunities to work with the Marxists who are also only interested in their own enhancement. Why is this happening? Time to turn off the TV. Its almost as if, as you say, studies like these are meant to shape reality rather than reflect it. And the media champion it. I read with great interest everyones comments here and certainly see that I am not alone in noticing this current activity in the advertising world (not a trend as this exploded on the scene during the summer of 2020). To that end, Tubi is actually a pretty great (and free!) Could it be the NHL is overwhelmingly white because of demographics, history, and lifestyle choices in large part? Below, they share their best tips for doing so. I dare say it has produced more comments than any of your other blogs. Im a lush so this will be perfect! The high-end advertising being geared towards blacks is so unrealistic! What would happen if brands and advertisers not only hired diverse casts of actors, but also created ads that recognized and respected our cultural differences, the unique things that make us special? If a white person says white power you would im be labeled a racist mainly because hate groups have wrongly kidnapped the term. Well, Robert, I think youre exactly right. Not cancel culture. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. Thanks again! There was a poll released recently that found that nearly a third of the American population felt that they would have to take up arms against the government (ironically, I post this on July 4th). What is the Whitewashing of black people? You are exactly right that advertisers are concerned about violence and how loud they are, that explains why the majority of commercials are full of black people and not anywhere near as many Hispanics/Asians. For interested Cranky readers, Kris is talking about the Federal Reserve System, a central bank which despite its name is neither federal nor a reserve, and the creation of which in 1913 introduced in the United States a debt-slave system from which we can never get out. . I usually watch Restaurant Impossible on Thursdays, but now after seeing coming attractions from the last two weeks, and coming attractions of him helping only all black restaurant owners, I will stop watching until he puts white people back on his show. Now, we are in the minority. They often are treated badly by a domineering woman as well. I dont believe they are diverse just playing the role. Does that represent the true numbers of passengers or the target for airline passengers? Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. There is so much going on that really is inter-related. Expert Panel, Forbes Communications Council. When an ad looks that unrealistic, you can be sure I wont believe anything else it has to say, either. Right, who are very zen, too. But for what I think is the real reason, I would suggest that everybody read American Marxism by Mark Levin. Sadly, its just one more example of advertising professionals being crap at their jobs, as half-hearted efforts like this fail miserably to engage or connect people or pass the smell test with anyone. I am making a mental note to avoid these products. Thank you! Opinions expressed are those of the author. Thanks, Virginia, for taking the side of fairness and sanity in this culture war. However, that should never mean 90% one race unless that is your target. Its all so twisted, isnt it? By portraying all cultures the same with people of all races talking and behaving white these ads and advertisers actually disrespect, and misrepresent, every culture. 5. Yay, a 19th century painting, so at least white people DID exist! Yes black people are way over represented in ads. And its all so laughably obvious and transparent but were all supposed to act like it isnt happening. its almost exclusively black man and white or Asian woman. Like I said, Im a 64 year-old liberal. CTV Advertising Means Diversity. Liberal white creative types were so wracked with white guilt the only thing they could think to do to assuage it was to erase white people (esp white men) from advertising. Its galling to me that even in advertising locally here in the Mountain West, where the population is close to 90% white, I dont see a lot of people who look like me or my friends, family, or neighbors. Amen to that Debra!!! In Europe they didnt have a problem with a blonde male lead who was strong-looking. You wouldnt think it so difficult to properly represent diverse populations on screen, but for some reason, the people behind todays ads are tying themselves into knots over it and still failing spectacularly. It seems like the kind of thing that should reach a more nominal ratio in time. Ive been retired for a year now and watch more TV than I have in a while and I thought the same thing. Its shallow and degrading. In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. The Cranky Creative], TOTALLY agree with your point of view Will! Watching commercials on ABC and NDC, I was shocked to learn that ~70% of black families drive Lexus SUVs and live in McMansions, because every commercial I see portrays this to be just normal everyday life in America. They are Boomer V2.0.only twice as insufferable since they lack the experience and context behind the 1960s cultural revolution and overthrow accomplished by their creators. Its a good question, Bill. Check out this tweet sent by the NHL regarding the Trans Draft Tournament that just took place in Middleton, Wisconsin (about 10 miles from my old home). Now everywhere I turn in commercials, I hear the copy saying everyone, all together, we, inclusive This breaks the irrefutable law in branding that you can not be all things to all peopleever. If so, then by golly, you should care. We are all bludgeoned in the face daily by this nonsense and I am bleeding profusely. I also think this placating the woke crowd will eventually get so out of hand that it will completely alienate white people. Civil discourse, along with shades of gray, subtly and moderation are in short supply and disappearing fast. And it is not just advertising. I think theyre trying to sell ideas I just dont know what ideas theyre trying to sell.. I fear there will be a big blowback, not just because of this change in advertising, but because of all the current racial strife in this country. Yes, you can find the odd article here and there, or an occasional thread on a discussion forum. Yep I am surprised that was not mentioned in the article. Not everybody looks like the Marlboro Man especially women. However, our economy is run on the almighty dollar so I put my wallet behind the advertisers and products that cater and interest me. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. And Im sorry, but stuff like gender fluiditywhere I read many times that these folk sometimes feel like they want to be female, and other days, they feel like they want to be male. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? Yes, there were some race-based cultural differences and the injustice of segregation, but we were still much more visibly Americans, with a shared American culture. Large advertising companies? Probably just ignore it as a bunch of racists. Hispanics and Asians are not as vocal about their grievances. In other words they are literally destroying their markets slowly while thinking they are getting the upper hand and the last word in their agenda thats fueled deep down by fear, anger and pain. The Oscars So White thing always makes me laugh the members of the Academy are complaining about the people they vote for. no taxpayer is going to care about my first world The comments to the thread are right on the money too. Unfortunately, the progressive mindset behind a lot of this nonsense has a firm lock on many, if not most, companies today. maybe you should just stay off the internet. I think the problem for most people comes when they perceive that brands and advertisers are purposefully using their commercials to push social and political agendas. movie industry, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Madison Ave, etcIs it any wonder theres a whole lot of white folks who are incredibly angry and feel threatened that their way of life is quickly disappearing? If you look at some famous movies of the 80slike Back to the Future, the big blonde man is the bad guyBiff. Sooooo, does this mean we can put systemic racism in America to bed now? They are grooming young minds. Edit: Its six months later and the media still isnt done blaming the car: I am so disgusted by the the portrayal of feminized males in the media (and frankly their actual existence in real life) today. And insulting not only to our cultures, but to our intelligence as well. But if fitness ads over present black people some of them may say that they target them because people think that only black people are fat. Im unapologetic and young. All they are doing is checking a box on the inclusivity inventory checklist. Take All Black Network for instance. (See: Jeremys Razors.) Like with so many things in life the pendulem has over swung in an effort to correct an issue. I dont need to be told how smart and strong women are, and how dumb men are. Thanks for your comment! Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. We all get that the world is changing, that Americas demographics are changing. LBJ himself said about this act in 1964, we have the [black] vote for the next 100 years. But even a decade after this atrocious act, I can remember working side by side with many, many blacks at a Houston oil refinery who just wanted to provide the best they could for their families. I mute the commercials and think to myself this is all but nothing but clown commercials, fake and actually racist against whites. I think it is truly disgusting these people think that theyre going to sell us this trivial crap that theyre promoting? And the further on the holiday season it goes, it seems only black people celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, oh unless they have white family or neighbors who they graciously invite over. He seemed like a great person, but his take on women in business wasnt resounding, to say the least! Oh, I dont know, Anna. Were the ignorant ones working for minimum wage, a 2% raise and paying the full mortgage on a house/apartment we dont own while the CEOs who approve the companys doings fly off on their personal jet to their 12th vacation of the year. Now, it's an ad, and in the end it doesn't matter, however, I feel this forced diversity does impact some aspects of media. Avoiding them is not racism. By watching TV commercials today you would think that 70 to 80% of the population are people of color. I cant stand it. Im waiting to see when the Sound of Music turns black and Maria Von Trapp evokes a black rapper. Its almost more insulting to watch advertisers paint their own picture of dark skin people living a prosperous life in the suburbs or even on a ranch with a pickup yes Ive seen that. When I say normal, I dont mean this in a derogatory way but normal as in real life normal. . But when a black man (also most likely on psych drugs) does the same thing, somehow his race and toxic masculinity are never mentioned. However, 90% of those are Asian and hispanic interracial marriages. Very well said! And lastly, the attack on white males in commercials has been going on for years. As you can imagine, and as we have discussed here, whites and (especially) Hispanics are grossly underrepresented while blacks are grossly overrepresented. Youre right, Richey, theres definitely a feeling of fatigue setting in, and not just among whites. From there, your marketing will naturally reflect the ethos. But, as with most things, acceptance is growing as the real world begins to catch up. I was with you right up until the point where you said No one cares. Judging by the number of replies to this blog post and thats only from people with the courage to stick their necks out Id say a hell of a lot of people care. As you say, if television ads did a better job of reflecting real life, there would be a lot fewer people complaining that advertisers are pushing an agenda. I doubt most have a problem with people of different backgrounds being represented. I do think the movement several years ago of #OscarsSoWhite had a hand in this. Always point the finger at some one else and never accepting responsibility for their actions. And this blantant overrepresentation is not limited to TV commercials. It used to be, marketers could say they targeted women because women hold the purse strings. Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. If extraterrestrials were to study the human race on Earth by searching Wikipedia, they would have no idea that White race existed, I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. 100% agree with your perspective. It seems like a no-brainer, but this means that ads targeting more diverse . Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. His presence was a sign, so the argument goes, that the movie's creators had clear left-liberal . My local library showcases certain kids books on the top of their bookshelves, and all of the books now are always ones with illustrations of non-white kids. So now, the police officers are going to jail for doing their jobs and the they are erecting statues to honor the wonderful THUGS that resist arrest and the thugs families are winning the ghetto lottery. This is brand suicide. Theyre all disgusting and insult my intelligence. If enough people are dissatisfied with the ads they should quit purchasing that companys products and thus let them know how they feel. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. BARF! And the matchmaking app ads show black people or gays. 2. Theyd hire a token white guy and a token Hispanic, no Asians. Sorry, Carl, but theres only so much I can pack into one Cranky blog post. I feel like someone is trying to brainwash America. The only true way to make your feelings known is to actually contact the companies directly & voicing your concerns & issues. As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. Perfectly coiffed. I am a pasty white Irish girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and I rarely see a woman who looks like me in any ad today and thats not because theyre all black, its because theyre all just not white. Why wouldnt you show more people that look like the ones consuming your products? In the 1940s, certain studios would have a black janitor who sacrifices himself for the white male hero. I was astounded at what had happened to tv since my last road trip. Wish we could go back to the 90s.. when America had a backbone and when the cops could beat the crap out of the criminals without the cops going to jail for doing their jobs and the criminals being made into heroes.
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