Anthony George, the boards attorney, wrote a memo laying out the facts uncovered by him and related below. Though money alone will not produce better scores either. It is so profoundly anti-American that we, as a nation, should be ashamed of those acts. To me, the main point is that certain elements of both sides are politicizing the schools and using the kids to make political points. I am sure if I wanted an explanation of what it all means, I could have it because the district does provide almost any information that is asked of it. As I wrote above, both Palm City and Jensen Beach are being built to accommodate students and teachers for several hours a day when school is in session. In the past four years, Roberts was chair for two terms and Powers was chair for two years. There were also several parents that spoke about the continuation of masks for students. The board also approved a medical plan for district employees using ESSER funds to pay for the increase. Roberts noted that the re-districting committee should look at where the students who will be living in the new construction off Commerce Avenue in South Stuart should attend school. Vouchers are one way to ensure that choice will be an option. One is that public charter schools take 8% of the money available. Victoria Defenthaler continues to want the county health officials and Cleveland clinic to address the board. Early on, Defenthaler suggested about diversity training for the board. It has 18,140.62 students or a loss of 783.78. Then imagine how hard it is for students whose parents speak a language other than English and so have no idea how to help their children do their homework. District; Schools . All pay and benefits would be reimbursed by the union. Kathleen Price; Micky McCoy ; Steven Gauze ; Bowie Clark ; Lorna Cassady; Meetings ARCHIVED MEETINGS Documents In that way, the committee would know the number they would ultimately be asking their members to contribute. Currently, the rule is either 300 or 500 feet depending on circumstance. Roll Forward meansa ledger accounts ending balance that becomes its starting balance in the subsequent period. Because Children Matter. Some current directors become assistant superintendents. She also received a $500 donation from the local American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees. One thing is for sure is that the Board now has total responsibility for what happens. He claims I want the notoriety of attacking him. The budget for a school district is not easy to get a handle on. In year 2007/2008, the school board had $43,886,882 in tax collections. It should only be for a kid that is home sick so he can follow along and not lose instruction time. The vote was 4-1 with Defenthaler voting no. Including debt service, they envision rents being less than $1000 per month. The school board took up the matter of redistricting. The Martin County Schools Board of Education meets monthly at the MCS Innovation Campus, located at 411 East Boulevard, Williamston. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. However, those teachers further along in their careers are not receiving the same level of raises. Home Rule continues to be eroded until it goes away. We are proud of what we do. These kids feel there is nothing wrong with that behavior. We thought we had that devil down in the hole. During the coronavirus turmoil, I became acutely aware that our individual rights were being called into question. I said that may be a good idea if the drivers are residents of the village or western Martin County. Anderson gave a little history and civics lesson regarding John Locke and the social contract. Apparently even to some board members, the arrangement between the district and the union allowing MCEA President Karen Resciniti to remain as a paid employee on the district payroll with all benefits while working exclusively in the unions offices was a surprise. It is all of us for thinking that the racist political speech, theories, and invective that fill our airwaves and screens are acceptable political and social ideas for discourse. I hope you, and the voters of Martin County see this non-partisan election for what it is, a job interview, and I urge you to vote for the best, most qualified candidate. If it helps one student, it would have been good. I am not a staff or board member, so I do not know what it is like to work with him. Otherwise, our country will fall apart. So far, staff admitted that there have been fewer new students than expected. Governor DeSantis may be trying to make districts obsolete. Until the legislature passes a budget, all state aid and mandates are uncertain. That should give him time to work with Gaylord and the rest of the administration to understand the District. It looks as though she believes the board has strayed from its prime responsibilities. Jennifer DeShazo, the information officer, gave a presentation on attendance at the District. Obviously not only is the public not informed but apparently neither is the board on matters coming before it. I sometimes feel that clarity is not the aim of these public explanations since they use nomenclature that only those in the system will understand. It does not appear that she believes that the larger community, with its political agendas, are her concern. It will be in place for another four years if passed. The way we do things now in conventional school districts are more fitting for the society of a century ago than todays. Many taxpayers do not realize how much of the budget, curriculum, and other decisions including things like who is eligible for bussing is decided by the Department of Education in Tallahassee. It has been around since the 1960s but is a theory that a few law schools would touch upon and surely not Stuart Middle. The School Board of Broward County, FL. Facebook; A; A; A; top > About Us > Board of Directors. The Calculus Project was an initiative in several districts to encourage minority students to enter STEM career fields thinking that passing the Algebra I in Middle School would create the opportunity to take Calculus in High School and pave the way for a STEM career. It was nice to know that Millay may not agree with everything they do but is willing to exchange ideas. It seems CTE are the new watch words in education. There is a definite place for technical learning so that kids who are not going to college have relevant skills for jobs in todays world upon graduation. Interestingly, it seems that enrollment is continuing to fall. Schools have proven to be a relatively safe environment as compared to bars and restaurants. We dont need to reinvent the wheel. We have spent years trying to stop the scourge of racism. Ms. Pritchett was the one that dug most deeply into this matter. It looks like training in welding, nursing, and HVAC will be expanded. If you care to see the changes you can do here. Remember that even how much a school board can tax residents is proscribed by Tallahassee. I humbly ask for your vote for Martin County School Board District 3. Martin Middle ; Millbrook Elementary ; Moore Square Middle; Mount Vernon School/Bridges Program; They still have the cultural courthouse, and I am sure they could find other places to rent or buy to further their mission. I needed a missal to help me decipher staffs explanation of the Martin County School District Success Plan. There are 10,756 students attending in person (65%) and 5872 doing do remotely (35%). His report you can findhere It shows how he is moving the district forward. Russell being elected vice-chair was a bit unusual. Unfortunately, that result was often unrealized (often because of a lack of a mentor for the student). This year the amount that will be covered by the tax on the ballot for those two items will be $10 million for teachers and $2 million for other job categories. Anderson loved Millays energy and enthusiasm and then mentioned his young age (a serious no no). Academic Excellence Student Empowerment Parent Collaboration Stakeholder Engagement Like the Bishops of old, they can continue speaking to each other about methodologies that parents are increasingly finding remote and immaterial to the education of their children. It has scarred our community. The School Advisory Committees can propose changes, but the board must have the ultimate decision. You can see the presentation here. Anderson, a teacher and Martin County native,has raised more than $16,560 for his campaign. Anderson was given an opportunity to submit a statement to us about why he wanted to be re-elected. Board members said they were impressed by Millay's "fresh ideas" and described him as a "progressive" with "a lot of energy" who would bring positive change to the community. Eduardo Diaz should be the kind of student that is a role model not an outcast. Election reports show Pritchett, who initially loaned her campaign $1,500, spent $13,319 the least of any candidate vying for a Martin School Board post. Hearing from our elected officials that mandates were necessary and that parents were not the experts drove my decision to run for office. When Superintendent Millay was asked about it later in the meeting, he gave an explanation that one of the library lesson modules that students can access was about race relations. A strong, well-rounded public-school system translates to a thriving local community and economy, something all of us should support. That makes sense to me. The board has two redistricting matters to take up at the next regular meeting. Ms. Christia Li Roberts, Ms. Jennifer Russell and Ms. Amy B. Pritchett were inaugurated as Members of the Martin County School Board on November 22, 2022 . Literature needs to be placed in context not only to our own time but the time in which it was written. How many parents are going to devote the time to unearth the concepts being conveyed in the language of education? I look forward to continuing to meet and learn from each member of our community as we celebrate success and develop new goals for the future together. Roberts wanted the re-districting committee to look at where the students who will be living in the new construction off Commerce Avenue in South Stuart should attend school. Like many things, when it comes to government, nothing is simple. Martin County West School District has 7 school board members who serve a four-year term. Tony Anderson nominated and made the motion for Powers. Presentation slide after slide demonstrated how the independence of local school districts is slipping away. It takes a lot of effort, a willingness to embrace change and innovative thinking to move a school district forward. Carter Morrison, the districts financial wiz, gave another budget workshop to the board. He also has decided to have an executive cabinet. If funding comes through these would be paid. You can see the proposed revisions under the Martin County Commission Section. Some were very emotional. Martin Countys starting salary currently stands at $45,700 (from under $39,000 four years ago). This is important because, unfortunately, all school districts, including ours, are facing budgetary challenges that will require innovative solutions. The committee met to consider options for that area. What is a board member to do? She was surprised that parents would resort to Facebook groups to find out what is happening at the District. He wants to know what the district is going to do about the teacher. They are funds from the federal government to supposedly help pull us through COVID. How is something like this possible in Martin County in 2022? If you have any questions or wish to call in your request please call the Central Office 507-764-2330. "There is such a thing, but that's at a higher level graduate law.". She will be the last elected superintendent in Martin County. One size does not fit all, and I strongly support giving parents and students choice options so every family can find the right fit for their childrens unique educational needs. According to Powers, the district spends more than $20,000 per student. As a voting member, I looked at it two ways. I would be happy to partner with Jensen Beach High School as a work experience and training sight. Buthe changed his mind after hearingsupport from the community. For some time, I have written about the lack of agenda items having any sort of backup. One of the things that precipitated the district to buy the old Stuart News Building was the problems this building had with asbestos and other sick building problems and the projected cost to remediate it. The statewide assessment tests will be given, and the students must come into the schools to take them. A survey created for this purpose is availablehere If it had opened a TCCA of its own, the district would have eliminated the need for a second charter in that mold. One of my issues with Anderson is at times he seems to be thinking as a union member and not as a school board member. The six white students stood in front of the school so there was no mistaking where they were students. Validation is important. On December 9th, the Martin County Sheriffs office arrested a school employee for soliciting nude photos from female students for money. As Roberts stated, she receives info from the health department and would be willing to share it if any member of the public wanted to send his/her email address. Licata cared about the wide-angle approach that even in A schools, there were students who were underperforming and should not be left out. (Note the Warfield piece of this is handled later.) The Board had asked him to cut overhead. . I know each of our teachers, administrators and employees truly wants to be the very best they can be. If you believe that parents have the ultimate right for educating their children, then they have the ultimate responsibility of making sure that their children have a moral and civic education also. The language is slightly different than in 2018. If not, they would remain Capital expenses impacting the Capital Accounts Five-Year Plan due to the state at the end of the summer. Therefore, a draft resolution will be presented at the February board meeting. Phone: 606-298-3572 Fax: 606-298-3732. 2021-2022 School Bus Routes. Every government wants to preserve its fiefdom. One board member told me if you would be embarrassed to read a paragraph or a page in the book aloud to your parents, the book should not be in the system. This is not the final budget which should be coming within the next couple of weeks. Her job titles have included teacher, assistant principal, the first principal of Jensen Beach High plus several more. Pritchett, too, is relatively new to Martin County, after moving here in 2016. To be successful, our students need every opportunity to experience quality teaching and learning. Many teachers are getting burnt out due to behavioral issues that impede the learning of other students on a daily basis. Roberts wants the district to market what they do well. To clarify, I do not think all Pre-K teachers should have a college degree. That would require more busses than what would be available at any one school. So instead of reading about the upcoming budget and what the board rated Millay and what Millay rated himself, you are reading a story about not knowing any of it. The amount spent does not consider all that is budgeted for the district. Apparently, Jensen Beach and Hobe Sound also want the same. Will that make you a better teacher for young children? And that is too bad for the public. The state dictates much of what the district can do. For years, the rhetoric of racism was just below the surface of American life. My question is would credentialing mean better pay and would the quality of the instruction be better? Waters and the Arts Council attorney will be working out the particulars to be presented at the February board meeting in two weeks. It seems to be a better use of resources now that the superintendent directly reports to the board instead of being an independent elected official. The entire budget next year is nearly $487 million. They are seldom very indicative of the employees true record. Four years ago, the original gap in pay for teachers between Martin County and other nearby counties was $9 million. I believe throughprimarily the private sector using adequatetax credits and vouchers this can be accomplished. Bernstein had backing from some local elected officials: Stuart City Commissioners Eula Clarke and Michael Meier, and former School Board member Victoria Defenthaler, who donated $250. That is the result of rapidly rising supply and construction expenses. The VPK system in Florida would not be successful without providers like Gertrude Walden Child Care Center and many others, but they also need the ability to pay their employees a wage that reflects their value to our community. In the almost 3-hour meeting, much of the time was devoted to COVID not education. I do not see all the fear associated with whether that happens or not. There was only one real topic for this meeting, and it wasnt on the agenda. He initially said he didn't plan to seek another termafter how contentious School Board politics became during the pandemic. There were a few boogey men that were mentioned. He thought there needed to be an agent of change hired. Doing so would take innovation and changesomething that seems improbable. Incumbent Anthony Andersonof District4facesopposition fromAmy Pritchett,who co-chairsthe localchapter of Moms for Liberty, a conservative parental-rights advocacy group. Again, it was promised to be posted to the district website by the board chair. And that means whether you are a public or a private sector employee. Im Amy Pritchett, wife, mother, and grandmother, running in District 4 for the Martin County School Board. If I am going to write about a subject, I want to see the same information that the board and staff are seeing during the meeting. I remember reading the book in my Catholic high school. Our kids love everyone. These ideas, and parental rights advocates such as Moms for Liberty, have influenced statewide legislation, including the "Parental Rights in Education Act" and the "Stop WOKE Act," which limit discussion of gender identity, sexuality and race in classrooms. Ms. Resciniti is the union president and cannot adequately perform her teaching assignment and union representation at the same time. There are savings to be had regardless since moving forward the superintendent and the board will be in concert and do not need separate attorneys. This involves a plan to add additional licensed teachers in grades 1, 2, and 3 to focus on literacy skills. After consulting with our bargaining units leaders and in collaboration with our School Board, our school calendar will be revised to reflect instructional makeup days that do not interfere with the valued holiday plans many of our families and employees have made.. School Board Chair Marcia Powers wrote a letter to me regarding the piece: I want to clarify your synopsis of the school boards discussion of building two Pre-K classrooms at Jensen Beach High School. The real surprise, however, was Amy Pritchett who eked out a victory over Tony Anderson with less than 1% of the vote. Some charters have students begin reading the Declaration and Constitution in the early gradesnot textbooks about the documents but the documents themselves. The policy decided would require the principal to be the first to look at the possible offending material, then if agreement is not made it will go for district review, and finally the school board will be the final arbiter. I continue my interactions with former classmates and 3,000+ members of the Florida Leadership Program. Amy is also the Chairwoman of the Martin County Moms for Liberty and a regular volunteer at the Humane Society. Anderson then said that he would be good at being chair. Tallahassee sets a required millage rate. There will be a termination hearing in January. The state has decided that children need at least 60 seconds but not longer than 120 seconds of nothing. The only one that was a bit contentious was who should set dress code policies. As with any self-insured program, what could be problematic is the demographics of the employees. Sounds simple to mewhich means it will never be tried. The vote was 3-2. Powers was attending virtually, and it fell to Vice-Chair Anderson to preside. The evaluations were of Dr. Millay, the superintendent, by the board. The education of the students was not to be discussed. With the placing of new security officers, are our children going to be any safer? This meeting was not televised. Martin County teachers will never be paid as much as Palm Beach or St. Lucie teachers. Property values have increased so any savings will be absorbed by the that increase. Please join me by offering your support so I can let your voice be heard on our school board. At this time, they have not done so. One of the sticking points was that Florida Blue had no cap in the 2nd year but United had an 11.5% cap. However, the truth must be that he is the best at his job. District 4. We want reading proficiency to be up from the 53% that it's at, she said. The Martin County School Districts reputation for excellence is a testament to your commitment to the well-being and academic success of children. This is not the first time this board has looked at switching from a more traditional insured plan to one where the district is more at risk for losses. Yet the scourge of believing that ones race, ethnicity, or religion makes one individual better than another has been allowed to resurface in the guise of replacement theory or other such conspiracy nonsense.
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