They tend to gain peoples trust easily because they are very calm and analytical they notice everything. Some people don't count the angles, but that's still an extreme amount of one sign. Cancer Venuses & Moon (Overall placements Perhaps) love making promises in relationships, breaking a promise no matter how small it was, will really mess with them. Theyre also very good at tracking when its good to buy certain things. My moon (cancer) squares my aac node (Libra) and my true node is in the third house (Scorpio) it is semi sextile tomy asc node and my dejainara squares my vVenus, whats that mean? People with Rahu in 1st have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. You have Ill deal with it way of going with things (. Low water would be generational planets in water. Aquarius venuses only want a best friend & lover in both. 12) Saturn-Mercury in 10th house can make one work reputed company or can make one a Film Director especially if with Moon. Chiron in 3rd individuals tend to be incredibly misunderstood in communication, people may take their wording weirdly and miss underestimate a lot. People with heavy Scorpio in their chart have a very heavy energy. 47) Ketu in 3rd house gives knowledge abut many languages in life. They will show the sides of themselves that you yourself are hiding. They can give too much care and love once they think someone deserves it but not everyone deserves an Earth rising, thats when they isolate themselves and most would wonder what happened to them, they need frequent breaks to heal themselves, make sure to prioritize your ways of healings. 34) Moon in 9th house if getting aspect of Mars or Jupiter can give lot of travel in foreign land and lot of success along with popularity in foreign land with much wealth. Keep in mind that these people are not naive. (Some things just dont spark their interest), Pisces risings have really pretty legs. Because they do 100%! It was all over my back from the time I was 14 and all over my face from 18 on. These are two vital karmic placements in astrology. Women with Mars - Ascendant / Prominent Mars & Lilith are seen as very sexy & desirable by the opposite sex. (Only some). Venus in taurus tells me you love spoiling yourself 24/7, as you should. 5) Saturn-Mercury-Sun together in any house gives success and wealth from technology field or in the field of business after the age of 30. If he isn't now, he will be. Yea, I have an article on Fake out placements. They have the talent to be able to fore-see disaster before it happens but they tend to have a very strong energy. Aquarius / 11th house placements / Uranus Dominance are such original and intelligent people and are very misunderstood. Aries placements hate seeing their friends dwell, they tend to love to motivate their friends!!! If they suspect you.. its over.. theyll play their cards right until they get exactly what they need to see. You often feel like an old soul because of your wisdom, start believing in your knowledge and your power and dont ever underestimate yourself because you have the tendency to. Prove me wrong. People with Venus in 4th literally desire a beautiful home and probably wouldnt settle for any less, a lot have had a beautiful home / place fantasy for a while. That is, the planet is within 00.15 of the Sun's position. tend to be very more dominant in their ways of thinking & wouldnt change their ways so easily. Taurus placement women never really age, especially the Taurus Risings. That's pretty special! Just kidding. Libra placements (especially the women) tend to attract a lot of envious people who spread rumors. It also shows insights on how you handle anger. But they may have the tendency to not trust anything at all. and what about north node in 12th house..since 12 th house is piscean? And, north node in Pisces. I shouldnt be feeling this way. People with Capricorn in 11th may make friends with older / more mature people online, A lot of Leo men Ive met have had young Leonardo Dicaprio hairstyle (slick with side bangs? They usually inspire & may others feel more confident. The Venus artistic planet rules beauty and love. They are not in order of difficulty. Malefic planets may give an edge to your looks If Saturn, Mars or Rahu are situated in the ascendant sign, and gain an aspect from Jupiter, the physical stature and built of the native is in right proportions. At other times, you become a powerful thinker and are capable of great logic and reasoning. take in and be pushed out, avoided.. People are just not interested. People with Saturn in 6th generally are prone to anxious feelings / thoughts and over-work themselves too much and their standards for themselves are very high. Someone with Moon in water and Air venus can have the love language of words of affirmation. Theyve always been outlined in some sort and are always going through parts of self-discovery. There is a pure testosterone-beauty. you could suffer from something (again, general). Someone with Virgo and Gemini placements tend to be very anxious and omg the headaches these people get because the over-thinking. Can you relate to my articles on it? Like they may rage at the internet lmao. In the ascendant persona chart which dives in deeper on how you present yourself & identity, look at the rising sign (then some 10th placements + signs). Theyre very sensitive individuals and in-fact very sensitive to cruelty, they like things grounded and when things make sense, so they are largely affected by anything negative or anything that doesnt fit their standards. This series is to teach you to love every part of yourself and that no "placement" or "chart" is bad. Someone with Aquarius in 12th or Uranus may experience connections tearing apart for very weird reasons & unexpected. Venus in 10th individuals can get their info/ photos usen to catfish & etc, people admire them a lot. For example, Virgo moons thrive on routine, grounding energy and practicality. Below are some predictions about these rare peculiar combinations and Yoga in Kundli/ Birth Chart:-, Also Read: Important Yogas/ Combinations In Horoscope. I just realized I have Moon conjunct Dejanira and Dejanira conjunct Child, a little over two degrees and a little under two degrees respectively, in Virgo, 11th house. I have this aspect and I know its energy very well. People tend to love and look up to people with Sun in 10th & 11th & Sun dominants. intuitive & astrologer readings are closed HIATUSSS! cancer moon males arent as comforting as the females, they tend to give you a hug but it seems they dont know what to say most of the time. Gemini placements tend to have hooded eyes from what Ive seen or more smaller shaped. I commonly see Aquarius placements getting very praised (as you should) but it could even for the smallest things. Okay Ive realized a lot of leo moons have mothers that are bad bitches & set high expectations for the child. I am not sure about your other question as I dont really understand what you are asking, Friend. (Eyeliner brings out their cat like eyes), Air moons could have a harder time trusting their intuition at times, since theyre logic over anything. Sagittarius moons naturally can be happy spirits, but a lot are prone to isolating themselves from the world to not burden anyone when upset. this can also be negative and can cause partners to walk ALL OVER THEM. You know how to say the right things at the right time and your imagination and knowledge is never-ending, but lets work on that fact that you guys over-think everything, start building your confidence because that amount of intellect you guys hold is super admirable. Whatever planet and maybe the sign over your 4th house could tell you potentially the aura and perhaps the physical looks of your house. do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. No matter how hard you try to tell yourself it doesnt matter, you know negativity gets to you at times, you shut yourself down. Its in Aquarius. Dont tame them down. Copyright 2020 It is a joy to be in her presence because you feel the love and you feel energized and glowing yourself. They tend to have touched the child in very soft ways and there could be a spiritual connection. Mars in 4th individuals should be aware of dealing with any fire in their home since its very possible for fire to start in their home / smoke. As with a lot of the squares to Uranus, it. People with Saturn in Virgo are very picky and are prone to not liking what they do often, they feel as if they have to be better. Thanks for your report, Sims. They have to be entertained 24/7. Hence, they dont seem to have satisfying relationships and dont really know why. Do all people with this aspect do such? They love protection but project jealousy on them and theyll run away. are super intelligent but are so looked over. If your north node is in any of these signs, it is a part of your journey and destiny to explore spirituality and honing your intuition during this lifetime. Do not repost, plagiarize, reword my work. Writer, Astrologer, Numerologist, Palmist, Vastu Expert, & The Teacher of Occult Subjects Shankar Bhattacharjee, a respected & well known name in the Vedic Astrology field. Venus is the sign of beauty, and the Ascendant & first house represent our physical appearance. Sextile Saturn (6.5 degrees) 10) Jupiter-Sun together in 1st house or 7th house can make one a Scientist, Astrologer or a high statue Politician. Let others know when they absolutely crossed the line. venus in 7th how does it feel to be perfect? You have drive and will go after what you want. watford town hall vaccination centre contact. , mercury in 8th stop writing / reading sex stories, scorpio mercuries / lilith in 8th.. we get it you can talk your way out of a literal crime, Jupiter in 10th is having everyone like you and having your fans / followers give you money because they love you so much, Venus in 10th is being the hot bitch out the friend group, moon square / opposition mars.. we get it.. your mother playfully bullies you as a way of showing love, virgo placements be the kid that never talks in real life but talks hella shit on their phone with their friends. Which sign is it in and which house does it fall in? Both love that ride or die shit. The sun person sees Venus as beautiful and their whole world. Do you have this. ARIES: aggressive, impulsive, but don't live in the past, and are not given to holding grudges or feeling resentful listen to their instincts, make fast decisions irritated by indirectness TAURUS: They have a lot on their minds. While Mercury in direct is better to gather thoughts, I have found Mercury in Retrograde individuals are incredibly intelligent and have a bunch of innovative ideas?? May have a gossipy family & who has all the tea. They love to make others feel special though. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. The second house has a touch of earth. Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. I have some Astrology books on FB you could join. So do Leo Venuses. This is why you need to step up and get rid of dark environments/ energies and own up your power and shine bright. With Neptune sitting exactly next to your midheaven, this is a strong indication that you are meant to pursue a career hand-in-hand with your sixth sense. Remember all you feel is valid and that youre not too emotional. A lot of Capricorn placements Ive met cut their hair short at some point. a lot of aries risings had freckles? A Jupiter-Neptune aspect is known as the "millionaire's aspect," by the way. People with Virgo in the 4th house or Moon in Virgo / Moon in 6th usually have a mother who put a lot on the childs future right away. I have sun, lilith and mercury in taurus12house and conjunction Aries 9orb. Pisces placements attract so much fucking copycats and people who try to project on them its actually so weird. (Fun Observation). I have Jupiter in 12th house. As for more specifically, which ones, I don't know. Only true spiritual measures will work, in my opinion.. i swear omg looking like whole models yall. Its no mistake though.. a Scorpio placement may be personally be very different than you originally thought. Having Moon in the 4th house makes the native very sensitive and more soft and also secretive with their emotions. iiiJade on Twitter mentioned how people with Libra & Scorpio in their chart can get away with problems regarding with law and this is so true Ive been thinking about this before they observed it and as someone with both of these placements I can confirm. I made two on the list! Mercury is the planet of communicationit rules how we receive and interpret information, our thought process, and our communication style. 17) Saturn-Mercury-Venus in 12th house will make native a foolish lover but he or she will have all the comforts and pleasure in life especially in young age till 44. Sagittarius risings & moons & gemini risings & gemini moons tend to be the class clowns from what Ive observed. Having a Leo or Capricorn moon would make you powerful. But there is an air of knowledge about them and a youthful aura you cant get enough of. 37) Saturn in 10th house or 7th house in libra sign gives stable successful career with substantial wealth but there will be lot of struggle till 35 years of age. You didnt mention Moon Conj. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! You have two Nodes, your North Node and your South Node . Because of this there is rumors around their reputation people who wanna try to bring them down, yet it doesnt work.. they have this powerful aura. The degree of your Mercury can give you further insights on how you organize your thoughts, for example having it in a libra degree could mean you need to organize and make sure your thoughts are more balanced . not sure what to call it). I do not have BPD though I did have PTSD from childhood when my brother was hit by a train and killed when I was 10 and he did bully me. It weakens the boundaries of the self. Powered by Infopop 2000 I have found out and listed out some points and peculiar combinations which result in some significant result. It is very sad and the single saddest placement I ever see in the chart. this will not generalize with everyone if it doesnt generalize with you dont be offended this is knowledge i have stored in my pea brain. My eyes tear when I watch something sad on the news or hear music that strikes a chord in me. They glow the best when relationships have clear boundaries and mutual trust. They sympathize through who you are and your potential. Yes, mars is conjunct your ASC. They tend to embody Cancer physical traits. have a very beautiful physical beauty to them. The one that was not had severe abuse, including sexual. (As you should!) Example: Tarot Cards). And it's hard to separate from sexuality and other charisma factors. Mercury - Lillith aspects (Or Scorpio Mercury) love to solve mystery. You can lose interest in your projects very quickly and are frequently bored. Air moons are most likely to disappear out of nowhere and ghost. People with Mercury in 8th have their words as their ultimate weapon. Their family could see them as more detached & intelligent. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. But sometimes I also think Im really unlucky in some cases, specially as Im growing older, idk why. Western astrology had its origins in ancient Mesopotamia, and spread throughout Egypt, Greece, the Roman Empire, and the Islamic world. you are very intellectual and you have an ability to be easily adaptable and are open to a bunch of things, you like experimenting and having fun. Please remind your local Virgo rising that they are beautiful and loved. If you have moon in the water houses (4,8,12) PLEASEEE listen to your intuition, yall psychic. People tend to over dramatice Leo venuses but all they really need is a loyal lion by their side, who will occasionally put up with their tantrum. (This is only if youre disrespectful or so). You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. (Nothing to panic about) For example Venus in 18 degrees may attract lovers who arent in their best state. I have a lot of scarring from it. WhatsApp: +91 9051357099 (not for a free consultation). Start working out, going out etc., thread* They opposite Libra, they would benefit from balance & routine, they are very sensitive when it comes to opinions of people and influences they value and can easily be influenced into things if they dont think too clearly. 3) Sun-Jupiter conjunction or aspect on each other or placed in each other Nakshatra or sign will make you a very popular Astrologer. If you have aries degrees in your chart, look at where it is! There were some freaky coincidences sometimes. They couldve been popular / well liked as well. , Do I have water void? A Rare and Auspicious Planetary Alignment Summary: This article examines the effect of a very rare and highly auspicious planetary alignment occurring during September 2020. Also, I think being born during a rare Moon phase is very very special! The most important thing to remember: we all have the ability to tap into our intuition and explore beyond the physical plane. People with Saturn in 3rd usually have some sort of difference in education wether they started late (usually) or perhaps earlier. Pisces placements / 12th house placements are super intelligent but are so looked over. I cant really follow the question, my Friend. Neptune in 10 | 1st individuals be careful of copycats you may say you are aware but these placements tend to not notice when people mimic them until later on. They tend to be older than their classmates. I mentioned this on a seperate post but why are virgo sun sagittarius moons everywhere?? However I am very emotional and sentimental. Thank you Joe and Welcome!. How has it manifested in your life? Despite which sign your Mercury is in, if your natal Mercury forms either a conjunction, trine, or sextile with your natal Neptune, there is an increased ability to receive messages from beyond the physical plane. (Theory, Uranus rules internet). Mercury can play a role in how we receive messages from our intuition. (they also love experimenting new things with their partners), Capricorn moons may have had a mother who worked a lot, the father figure may have motivated them / inspired them a lot more. Taurus placements may like grounding areas, they may like leafs specifically, and tend to like more of a nature like environment for them to relax in. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. Gemini placements especially the Moon tend to have hooded eyes from what Ive observed unless there is major water influences. (Check other placements), Women with Scorpio moons tend to be seen as intimidating and could also make them have very piercing eyes. 48) Rahu in 2nd house can make native poor from wealthy position in life. Images: Veda Wildfire Venus entered Aries on April 28, and the planet of love's journey through this bold, assertive (and sometimes brash and selfish) warrior archetype is not always smooth. Now if you had said Neptune, not Uranus, I might be prone to agree. You lead with empathy, compassion, and feeling. When your natal moon or natal Neptune is placed in either of these houses, your intuition is amplified. (Theory), Lilith in 4th in Synastry could indicate the mother could be envious of the connection. Proserpina 28.0 Cancer 42) Rahu in 12th house with Sun or Saturn gives success and trouble both in foreign land. It may take a while & later on in life for the individual to find solid friends who they trust. They tend to gain peoples trust easily because they are very calm and analytical they notice everything. Or very nice eyes, something is usually remarkable from these people. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. Gemini placements love feeding off information especially the Moons, it can be a coping mechanism for them, they could re-read the same thing all over again and still be fascinated. Uranus in 8th / 5th individuals may have quick random hookups. One worse manifestation can be= Nudes leaked all over the internet or personal info they confided in someone leaked), personal advice would be to be careful and remember youre not doomed because of a placement. Often misunderstood. I always enjoy reading your short and to the point articles. Natives with Pluto in 2nd could be falsely accused of making money in a wrong way or their self worth could be misinterpreted a lot.
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