Your provider might also check your blood platelet levels or do tests that measure the time it takes your blood to clot. i wish us the best! We do not know enough about your medical history and current conditions or medications, and we cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. Should I be concerned. As mentioned in the article, prescription and over-the-counter medications and nutrition supplements can make you bruise more easily. As the marks of the bruise fade, the pain Another time I fell over and put my hands out to stop and it appeared on both my wrists.. Hi, Kel. This leg is normally swollen with edema, worse than the right, I am hypothyroid, on meds for that and morphine. I just noticed the very same thing on my right thigh. Barb, Hi ABI, I have frequent green bruises on my stomach and abdomen areasit has never happened before and I am a bit concerned about this happening. Medications can also cause itching like you experienced. I was sitting in my chair watching T.V. Hi, Abi. It's in such an awkward place, there is no way I could've been hurt or pinched there. rug burn, black and blue marks on my feet from the toes up to my ankles on both feet, red skin on my elbow and lesions on my lips. Thanks for reaching out. Hi i just noticed 2 bruises on my tummy just like Joan, 2 Days ago, NO pain, NO discomfort, I am 61 years old. i'm 28 and just realized the same thing happen out of nowhere (two weird bruises.) Random Bruising: 13 Possible Causes Excluding Obvious We appreciate you taking the time to reach out. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. Accessed March 14, 2022. Ive had no trauma to my abdomen whatsoever. What could make that happen ? Why havent other people catching a clue as to what the response is going to be, rather than continuing to post their most personal medical issues right here?.. Certain medications may contribute to easy bruising by decreasing the blood's ability to clot. I didnt hit anything there. I do suggest you contact your doctor if you're concerned or if your bruise shows any of these signs and symptoms: 1. There are red scratches by the bruise as well. Just a few days ago my boyfriend noticed I have bruises on my lower back and today again when he looked there was more. Blood thinners We recommend seeing a doctor about your bruise as soon as you can. WebPurpura (or blood spots) on your skin can be a sign of a more serious condition. I have a big bruise on my leg cause by dropping a heavy metal pot on my leg. This is to those complaining because everyone's advised to consult their primary provider Come on, people. Thank you. Rather be safe than sorry if it is a sign of something and you wait too long it could be too late. Its the weirdest thing because they all look the same and are pretty close together. Especially on your spine. Thank you for the question, Casey. Bookmarked. Common sense, guys. Mayo Clinic Minute: Why vaccines are especially important for older people. Could this be serious for her? When this happens, blood leaks out of the vessels and initially appears as a dark mark. Unfortunately, we are limited in the medical advice we can provide on this platform and your doctor can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history. I'll let you know as soon as I know more. Not sore, no injuryis this something I should be worried about? Every day youll find helpful ideas and advice on a wide variety of health topics to help you and your family live well. Hello Heather We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. It took weeks to disappear. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. Certain dietary supplements, such as ginkgo biloba, also can increase bruising risk due to a blood-thinning effect. I was wondering if you could give any indication as to what the culprit may be. My neurologist is one of only like 3 in my county and is booked out months in advance so I'd hate to waste his or my time if this is an issue he cant help. They happen when small blood vessels leak blood under your skins surface. As mentioned in the story, it's not uncommon for bruising to appear on your limbs: "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. However, I have found Chiropractic to work well. thank you, they scheduled a scan for this week. A tip I use is wearing thick hooded sweatshirts and sweatpants helps protect the spine when sitting and also protects the hip bones from pain incase of knocking into a counter or something, but that's rarely happens. I take a blood thinner and lately I have been taking Motrin. This is information best discussed with a doctor. His dentist told him it is possible it comes from teeth-grinding which my brother does in his sleep a lot. My daughter has the same issue around her knee we've had every blood test and scan under the sun done, and no answer. Hey, Peggy. Have you shared this information with a nurse line or talked through it with your doctor? I've been at the doctors for my internal pain, but not for the bruise. What could be wrong? The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. The pain went away but she's lost muscle strength and now she cannot move that leg to the right without using her hand to place it there. Aspirin, certain prescribed medications and even some over the counter s Read More The bruise started as 2 small ones and is now one about 5cm wide by about 2 cm high, should i see a doctor about it? You don't recall bumping into anything, but lately you seem to be bruising frequently. I know I need to call my doctor soon but first I need to know if I should be worrying? It must be very frustrating for some people who do not have insurance or a primary care provider to keep hearing, 'Go see your doctor,' but truthfully, these skin areas need to be visualized and a full health history needs to be taken. Have you contacted your doctor? Not to mention it did hurt and did some swelling seemed like on the muscle itself then a day are two after the darkness appeared. They have been there longer than 2 weeks.. They test ur blood. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. (which is what people want, if you all haven't gotten the hint). Anyone with a family member who has a bleeding disorder who also bleeds or bruises easily should discuss this with his or her health care provider.. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best. Arrange furniture and electrical cords so that they're not in your way when you walk. Hi, Emily. This time in my life I was taking 1,000 mg pills of different manufacturer's and it was not working to fix my bruising. Im rly curious bc my sister has the same thing on the front of her legs. This bruise occurred in 2019. Any help and guidance would be appreciated. Both are smaller than the purple bruise. Thank you for reaching out. We recommend reaching out to your provider about the bruises. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. By late evening it is a large bruise. Easy bruising. I have a purple bruise at my left waistline above my hip. Autoimmune disorders such as RA and lupus can lead to a low platelet count, which can cause bruising for no apparent reason and bleeding from the gums, says Daniel Clauw, MD, director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor. I've got exact same thing from skateboarding, ankle keeps growing, there's bruising but no pain, kinda worried it might be something serious, My left arm has been hurting on the under side and now for the 2nd time there is a bruise about 3 inches long and a lot of small bumps on scalp and it feels like my back is braking out , headache and stomach hurts. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. Fell and hit my wrist a year ago swelling and the pain went away after 1 1/2 months. Best wishes to you and your daughter. Hi since new year's eve, I have had bruising everywhere, my periods have stopped & I'm shaking all the time. That are about 2 inches apart and they dont hurt when I touch them They are just there What could that mean, Hi, Faith. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic:, I badly bruised my two middle fingers on both hand when fell. Just throwing that out there! did you ever figure out the cause of bruising ? He went to the doctor but received no explanation. Reading all of these stories & comments, I've had very similar symptoms. Merck Manual Professional Version. There is one thumb size bruise and a smaller bruise on my thigh a few inches above my knee that keeps appearing and disappearing on my leg in the same place. Unexplained bruises Vitamin C or K deficiency, bleeding disorders such as hemophilia or Von Willebrand disease, or cancer can cause bruising. It's on my legs near where my sensitive part. They have also because bigger and darker as times gone on yet they dont hurt the same way a usual bruise would so Im not sure if Im worrying to much or if it is something different, Hi, Madi. In the meantime, you may find helpful information on our story about scarring: Any suggestions? Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. I have a regular bruise on my elbow, and bruise on the back of my knee right on my muscle, a bruise on my right hand, and a bruise on the inside of my arm opposite from my elbow that looks like tiny pink purple smudged dots. What could this mean? He/she can best answer your question. It happens quick and feels like an itch first but then hurts terribly and the pain and then the pain suddenly stops, leaving a very dark bruise. I am taking anti depressants but this is not listed as a symptom. Hey Kauthar. Easy bruising is common with age. These occur because there is a rupture of the blood vessels after a crash of a certain intensity. Hi, I have a large ugly black bruise on the inside of my lower thigh. Please, in your opinion, answer my question! I spoke with one of our neurologists. Good luck to u! Please help. What Causes Random Bruising?Intense exercise. Intense exercise can leave you with more than just sore muscles. Medication. Certain medications make you more susceptible to bruising. Nutrient deficiency. Vitamins perform many important functions in your blood. Diabetes. Von Willebrand disease. Thrombophilia. Sometimes it gets lighter but it doesn't want to go away. 4 months later and the bruise, same shape & size, is still present. I don't remember it taking this long to heal the last time I did that. Hi, Kim. I am a 31yo female that has bruises on my lower back. Hi! This is exactly what I have been experiencing. Then a couple hours later, the entire abdomen above the navel appears to be bruising. Its patchy and darker red like a normal bruise but it appeared randomly, has never hurt or itched, its not dry or bumpy, it has not changed in size or color and its been a few days. We do not know your daughter's medical history well enough and cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. It is really crazy and to be honest ..I am scared to find out what is going on. We strongly recommend talking directly with your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. I know for a fact I wasn't bumped or injured in anyway. I have about 11 bruises; all around the same size, in a circle shape on the back of my left lower leg. I still have C5-6 and T/L disc need to be removed. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best both which (along with medications) can play into your symptoms., Or, you can try online tools like WebMD's symptom checker: They dont hurt. Our blog is for educational purposes only and not for treatment or diagnosis. If you experience increased bruising, don't stop taking your medications. I noticed similar symptoms long ago, and since i started double rinsing my clothing (especially PJs because you're in them for extended period of time with the fabric right against the skin). I was having a shower and I washed my right leg, or went to before I found 2 random bruises. We don't want to compromise patient privacy. I have the situation and was thinking the same? I have several on my upper thighs (both legs) I just ended my monthly and started taking liquid b12 supplement for energy.within the same amount of timeframe Ive noticed a lump on the outer wall of my private area.Im worried and will be seeking advice from a doctor tomorrow.. Hi i have small purple spots on my fore arm they appear often and take a while to go away, no pain no soreness just appear, they look like small raisins , should i worry? I woke up this morning with random bruises on my belly. It may be leukemia. What I was looking for info about is the kind of bruising that can happen with the slightest rub, scratch across any part of hands, feet, fingers. If the bruising persists or enlarges without any obvious reason, best to see your primary care provider or urgent care. I wanted to know if I should be concerned and seek medical help. We strongly recommend reaching out to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing as soon as possible. Later in the day I felt a sharp pain in my left knee, I didn't bump into anything. I woke up the next morning and my left boob was bruised and it had no scratches or bumps its been a week now and the bruising has kind of went away but now it sometimes it hurts like it did that night any idea what it is or what happens? Hi, Im an 18 year old girl and Ive got a scar on my foot from my childhood but there is purple bruising round the scar, it doesnt hurt but it has been like this for years is this normal? A bruise (ecchymosis) is a collection of blood beneath the skin resulting from extravasation of blood from surrounding vessels. Hi, Elzbet. As in can you get another bruise on top of a bruise. Hello, I too have seen a line of 5 small bruises along my left thigh. We appreciate you reaching out. WebSome people have sudden unexplained bruising or blood spots under the skin, or they may suddenly get bruises more often. I have noticed painful bruising under my eyes on my cheekbones for the past 2wks. He/she can best answer your question. A few years ago I noticed this happening more often. I have multiple small line of bruises along my shoulders blade that has appeared repeatedly many times and sometimes the same on thigh. WebBruises form when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. I had it on both but the left side went away. We recommend contacting your doctor as soon as you can. Thank you for reaching out. Please contact your primary care provider for concerning bruises. Seniors experience physical changes as they age. We recommend reaching out to your provider as soon as you can about your bruise. Underside of arm and forearm and back of my hip. Should i check it with a doctor? Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. Hi I have the exact same thing going on, did you ever find anything out about them? I got no other symptoms. I eat mainly vegetables but also eat some cookies and chips as a snack. Thank you for reaching out. I dont want to be wasting their time for a couple of bruises if its nothing. Hoffman R, et al. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise.". I am on blood thinners and have had 2 mini strokes I sometimes feel pain in my lower calf as if something is in there. I dont recall bumping into anything, and the bruise itself is bleeding and took about 45 min to clot. If you do not have an appointment coming up and you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can reach out to your care team through messaging on My Marshfield Clinic: Possibly gout. I know for sure i didnt hit it or anything. Is this normal? Yesterday morning I took a shower & I was fine, no bruise. Thanks for reaching out. We strongly encourage you to see your doctor when you are concerned about an injury or bruise. It appeared about 4/5 days ago and is getting larger. Thank you for bringing that to our attention. and therefore can best answer her questions. Together, you and your doctor can determine whether your symptoms are concerning. None of the bruises hurt but i havent been feeling well lately, and i know i couldnt have hit the back of my knee like that. This should be evaluated by someone who can visualize the marks. I am a teenager and have a skinny foot long bruise on the side of my thigh along with a couple purple dots that feel like bruises on my knees. Some bruises last for more than a week and I don't remember anything I did to get bruises. Hi, Paulette. Based on what we know, this sounds like she needs to be seen very soon. It caused me cancer, hypertension, a clot, & stroke. We appreciate your question. If you do not have a medical provider, but are looking for one, you can find our list of doctors and their contact information here: Mayo Clinic offers appointments in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota and at Mayo Clinic Health System locations. If so, you can reach out to your care team by messaging through My Marshfield Clinic: I had a colonoscopy last week. They can help you determine next steps, whether that's blood tests or another course of action. and this has been showing up when i wake up in the morning even from the night before for about 3 months now. Thanks. All together, that bruise was there for over two months until it healed. Should I be concerned? Have you been to see a doctor regarding yours? Thank you for reading Shine365. I started waking up with bruises on my arm after one night of sleep. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Can u elaborate any further on this please? Some medications and supplements associated with bruising include: NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen) Plus purple dots are appearing on the skin.low grade fever. Please help. They know your medical history and can best advise you. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message your provider through My Marshfield Clinic at the following link: Thank you for reading Shine365. Hi, Rose. Upon asking her what happened she said the only different thing is shes began working out morespecifically running on a tredmil. Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Mayo Clinic School of Continuous Professional Development, Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, Assisted Walking and Mobility Options at Mayo Clinic Store, Balanced skincare Solutions from Mayo Clinic Store, Book: Mayo Clinic Family Health Book, 5th Edition, Newsletter: Mayo Clinic Health Letter Digital Edition, Book: Mayo Clinic 5 Steps to Controlling High Blood Pressure. So I got a shot from the doctor the outside of my biciep and now have a bruise on the lower inside of my biciep. I did have cervical cancer about 10 yrs ago and I do have low iron and have to take supplements so I'm use to minor bruises but nothing like this. What does a regular period have to do with random bruising? However, there could be underlying reasons too. My drs have not been concerned because I have Ehlers Danlos. They don't cause me pain, but they have been there for months maybe even a year or two. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog and strongly suggest you contact your doctor anytime you become concerned with your health. He/she is familiar with your medical history and current conditions. The bruises are usually on my lower legs but I also get bigger bruises on my thighs. Cold hands accompanied by color changes can be a result of circulatory disturbances or injury. Bruises (Ecchymosis): Symptoms, Causes, Treatment they have been growing bigger over time and i have had these for 2 weeks now. My suggestion would be to call your primary care provider and address your questions with him or her. I realized that every time I sat and leaned back in a hard chair, my spine all the way to my tailbone and whatever bones are in the glutes would hurt. Im 18 years old and I am experiencing severe bruising covering my legs, hips, and sometimes my stomach. Im really scared and sometimes i feel uneasy when i put my arms up to grab something. I went to the doctor right when I noticed it, and they thought it was a bug bite and prescribed me some anti-inflammatory cream, but it hasn't been working. 6 signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome. When questions arent related to individual treatment or diagnosis, were happy to provide more information. All Rights Reserved. As far as I can tell its spontaneous ecchymoses. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I noticed the bruising got worse the more I sat on hard chairs (not even that hard, chairs with firm really flat cushioning bothered me too) and continued the longer I didn't stay away from sitting on hard surfaces. We strongly recommend talking to your health care provider because they know your medical history and can best advise you. I've never had a bruise that went through me before & don't bruise easily. Aided me a lot, just what I was searching for : D. Hi, could you help me with this ? Do I see my rheumatologist for this or my primary care dr? Avoid clutter and throw rugs, especially on stairs. Noticed that I had the same large bruise that is spread across my lower back and I dont remember hitting anything either did you ever go to the doctor? I wonder whats causing it. Most commonly, easy or excessive bruising occurs because the skin and blood vessels are fragile. This is particularly true as we get older and our skin thins. Review/update the Hi my husband had a bruise on his right side and now that's gone away but now he has a bruise on his left side should I be concerned. Should I be worried. I believe Im slightly anemic from what I remember. So strange. Should I be worried and visit the doctor for a check up? I sleptwalked last Friday night and completely missed a flight of 4 stairs, landing hard on my bottom on the landing of the steps. Also, tell your provider about any supplements you're taking especially if you're taking them while on a blood-thinning drug. I'm surprised nobody's said nothing yet, this blog is a joke as are the people running it. Additionally, you might check out sites like WebMD for more insight, as we're not able to provide individualized medical advice on this forum: Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? All rights reserved.