The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. Acid Suspends the Circadian Clock in Hypoxia through Inhibition of mToR. email: Put in the eye 2 salty water drops twice daily. If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. Among other uses, soda ash is used to condition water, remove sulfur from flue gases, to lignite coals, and as a food additive. dr simoncini's clear opinion Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. 2023 Keys to Cancer, All Rights Reserved. Baking soda, that creates an alkaline environment and pH value about 10, represents an antidote for acidity. He says science demonstrates cancer is caused by fungal masses (Candida type) and that sodium bicarbonate is the only useful remedy that is now available for healing the disease. [1]. (K, Mg, etc. Gandini received a 2-year sentence. Alkalinity, it is theorized, kills these microbes and reverts cancer cells into healthy cells. This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. Genetics, the battle horse of modern oncology, is about to give up the ghost, together with its endless explanations based on enzymatic and receptor processes. Acidic tumor microenvironment abrogates the efficacy of mTORC1 inhibitors. The information and/or products which on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician. Your email is asked for review verification purpose only. Dr Tullio Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer. In 1983, an Italian oncologist (Dr. Tullio Simoncini) began treating his cancer patients with sodium bicarbonate. This treatment costs about $3 and in most cases is far more effective than the $350,000 treatments! However, there are three other alkaline protocols we do endorse. It has blood vessel dilating action (vasodilator), and it also increases blood fluidity, facilitates blood flow delivery, and assists oxygen dissociation from hemoglobinthus, more oxygen flows to the capillaries and cells. For other types of cancer (of internal organs) the involvement of a doctor is always neccessary. Dr. Simoncini was expelled from the Italian Medical Order (Ordine dei Medici e Chirurghi), and at least two of his patients died from sodium bicarbonate treatment. skin cancer treatment Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. The psychotherapy adaptation and modification framework: application to Asian Americans. Baking soda is alkaline with a high pH when in concentrated solutions. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Dr Sircus Transdermal Breast Cancer Treatments Natural. This treatment should not be used for more than three weeks at a time. He also was stripped of his medical license in Italy and has been sent to prison for culpable manslaughter. There are no side effects or after effects and the use of the sodium bicarbonate is fast, efficient, and inexpensive. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. After the above mentioned treatment has been fully carried out, start with the IV (Infusion Vein) administration. Dr. Simoncini was sentenced to 5 years in prison. Dietary supplements ie. Would love to know more. Listen and watch Dr. Tullio Simoncini demonstrate live fungi colonies and their destruction with sodium bicarbonate. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint underand above it, even if -at first- this causes a sharp pain. In 2007, Dr. Simoncini reportedly injected large doses of baking soda into a breast cancer patient, known only as Sylvia. One will find many chapters on the subject of sodium bicarbonate and also on mycology, the study of molds, yeasts and fungi. Dr. Simoncini believes cancer is caused by a fungus, namely Candida Albicans. The research showed adding sodium bicarbonate to salt tea was associated with an increased ESCC. Many more people die from. telephone: (+39) 335294480 Users assume all responsibility for the application of the content on themselves. Dr. Simoncini's protocol for bladder cancer and a UTI? Dr. Simoncini has appeared on numerous episodes of Caring For Arizona on Channel 3 in . Write a review. 6000 Steps per Day Reduces Heart Disease Risk, Study Finds Red Food Dye May Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Problems, Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Many Layers to Wellness. The anti-fungins that are currently on the market, in fact, do not have the ability to penetrate the masses. Crossref Google Scholar; 16. Rinse the mouth with salty water twice daily. (spread). As discussed above, there are multiple key details of the mechanisms underlying bicarbonate therapy that remain to be elucidated. DonnaCancerSurvivor 21 days ago3 Replies Does anyone have experience with doing Dr. Simoncini's protocol and having a UTI at the same time? . Tullio Simoncini's cancer quackery, which claims that all cancer is really a fungus because it's "always white" and that baking soda injections are an effective treatment. It has been successfully used to protect crops from fungus during storage. The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells. Dr. Simoncini and his assistant, radiologist Roberto Gandini, were found guilty of culpable manslaughter. A note re skin cancer According to a statement by Dr. Simoncini, the baking soda apparently is rather ineffective for skin cancer. Also called programmed cell death. The information we provide is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Dr. Simoncini contends growth of a tumor is in no way affected by current oncological treatments. Trona also is found at Owens Lake and Searles Lake, California; the Makgadikgadi Pans in Botswana; and Egypts Nile Valley. Came from & it has no scientific basis. He treats TUMORS by direct instillation or injection with a specific solution mix. As discussed above, scientific studies utilizing sodium bicarbonate as a potential cancer therapy are limited and show mixed effects at best. For Those Who Cannot Eat), Understanding Treating Cancer [Must Read], How Much Cancer Do You Have? Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine Despite being disbarred from the Italian Medical Order because of his views, he has presented his theory at conferences ranging from the International Oncology Convention in Treviso, Italy and the 36, Graduating from La Sapienza University with his Ph.D. in 1996, Dr. Simoncini soon turned his focus to oncology. Usually from the 3-4th administration of this solution, the fungal colony regresses. When the eschar is formed and it is higher than the epidermic plane, it is necessary to continue to paint under and above it, even if at first this causes a sharp pain. In fact, they have failed miserably. Disclaimer as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying The regression rate of the cancer is usually seen to begin within 45 days. How to use baking soda for cancer treatment? Dr. Tullio Simoncini Baking Soda Treatment to Stop Cancer by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD. Fast forward to 1970. also used sodium bicarbonate to make mummies. The process of apoptosis may be blocked in cancer cells. Candida albicans was the most prevalent of the fungi affecting the urinary tract. Torulopsis glabrata and Candida tropicalis were also prevalent. Step 3: Turn off heat, replace lid and let cool and brew overnight for 10 hours. Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine. Hwang WC. He has designed a theory that all types of cancer are caused by . Thank you for your tax-deductible support! If so, how long did you wait after being diagnosed with an infection until doing his protocol? While nearly everyone has candida present in their bodies, the overgrowth of candida due to an immune deficiency - or even repeated antibiotic therapy, can cause the immune system to create a tumor. It is quite harsh on the body, but this could be a safer way to do it and very cheap. Take 1 day break during the treatment. This treatment was developed in Italy by an oncologist and uses baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. In metastasis, cancer cells break away from the original (primary) tumor, travel through the blood or lymph system, and form a new tumor in other organs or tissues of the body. Dr. Simoncini is recognized as a top Genitourinary Prosthetic surgeon including penile implants and artificial sphincters. Dr Simoncini has devised protocols to get to each particular area: Dr Simoncini irrigates the tumours directly with pure Sodium Bicarbonate and water solution daily. Studies in colon adenocarcinoma and immunocompromised mouse models exhibited decreased anti-angiogenesis when the tumor pH was neutralized with bicarbonate. The statements contained on my sites and in my books have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is also very inexpensive: Baking Soda is made from soda ash, also known as sodium carbonate, which is a naturally occurring substance present in all living things; it helps maintain the pH balance necessary for life. Privacy Policy and (01/20/2020). Your email will not be shared or displayed. Its an irresistible chemical, cyanide to cancer cells for it email:, You van find dr. Simoncini on Twitter and Facebook. It was reported that tumor acidity neutralized with bicarbonate induced arrest of cancer cell growth. The 100 year old hypothesis that has led medical science in circles, that cancer are human cells multiplying without limit, turns out to be just another unproven fantasy that no one has ever demonstrated beyond a shadow of doubt. Posted on February 3, 2022 January 3, 2023 by Dr. Frank L. Simoncini Southeast Valley is excited to introduce Pro-Nox to our medical devices used at our urology clinic in Gilbert, AZ. Cellect contains both cesium and potassium. Dr. Simoncini believes that all tumors contain fungus. They consume 15 times the amount of sugar that a normal healthy cell does. He noted that that previous in vitro studies suggested that lactic acidosis, which happens when too much acid builds up in your bloodstream, could protect cancer cells against glucoseA type of sugar; the chief source of energy for living organisms. Being that the present day survival rate of 5 years in the US is less than 2.75 % due to toxic protocols the medical profession uses, Dr. Simoncinis outstanding success in the 90% remission rate and some as long as 20 years should shatter modern medicines fixed ideas about cancer. Sodium bicarbonate is commonly referred to as baking soda. In the case of skin cancer and psoriasis I have developed a different protocol. Look at 11:00 or 1:00 oclock respect to the lump that is the centre. It doesn't taste the greatest, but it's tolerable. They consider these invading colonies to be secondary to the actual cancer. It is a naturally occurring, inorganic, alkaline mineral salt that has been used by humans in many ways for millenium. Testimony Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. Legal notice: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. [2007] ARE MOST DISEASES CAUSED BY THE MEDICAL SYSTEM? starvation or deprivation. We know he has lost his medical license and has been 1 La Verita Sul Colesterolo I Rischi Delle Statine Pdf Yeah, reviewing a ebook La Verita Sul Colesterolo I Rischi Delle Statine Pdf could amass your close links listings. Did you know that the AVERAGE orthodox cancer treatment costs $350,000? Dr. Simoncini is an associate professor at Midwestern University Osteopathic Medical College where he has trained multiple medical students. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sodium carbonate (the starting material used to make sodium bicarbonate) is classified as a chemical substance. The Treatment of Stage IV Cancers [My Free eBook], How To Fund Your Cancer Treatment Without a Loan. Book Summary: The title of this book is Cancer is a Fungus and it was written by Dr. T. Simoncini. He received his degree in 1976 in Rome. However, there is no scientific evidence that injected or ingested baking soda is a safe or effective anti-cancer therapy. According to Dr. Simoncini, cancer is a consequence of the weakening and exhaustion of your organs, and eventually your entire body, in the following stages: 1. Hyperosmolar syndrome a complication of diabetes in which high blood sugar results in high concentration without significantly breaking down fat quickly enough. Dr.Simoncini the famous Italian oncologist, recommended aluminum free baking soda for cancer treatment. Candida, and its many variants are not only the cause of cancer, they are the cancer. He is known for the claim that cancer is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, and has argued that cancer is a form of candida overgrowth.He also is known for claims that cancer can be cured with intravenous sodium bicarbonate. Dr Simoncini, a board certified oncologist placed his career on the line by abandoning all conventional cancer therapies and electing instead, to administer sodium bicarbonate. 90,300 Good parasite cleanse? They told me it is suggestive of a UTI & started me on generic Macrobid. 1 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in 1 glass tepid water, Locate a port cath in the axillary cavity from where a catheter reaches the jejune-pancreatic artery, Locate a trans abdominal intra-peritoneal catheter, Administer 300-400-500 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate every day for 4-5 days, then every other day for 2 weeks, Take 5 days break then repeat the whole cycle. Health August 12, 2015 1. Zhang said the process should be considered as an interruption for acidosis instead of lactic acidosis. In his experience, oral, intravenous and aerosol delivery of sodium bicarbonate is effective in the . But what does sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3 have to do with treating cancer? [2]Other studies have harnessed sodium bicarbonate as a neutralizing agent for the acidic tumor environment as well. Without proper medical oversight and continued research, sodium bicarbonate administered as an unregulated therapeutic modality is not recommended for a healthier you while fighting cancer. A large-scale case-control study was held in Kashmir, India, to investigate the association between salt tea drinking and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). Dr. Tullio Simoncini uses multiple clinics in Rome. Meanwhile, administer IV 400-500 ml 5% sodium bicarbonate every day, 6 days on 6 days off for 4 cycles, 14 days break then repeat the whole cycle, Later on, IV administration can be delayed respect to the health conditions, Think of a half circle around the lump of the breast, Look at 11:00 or 1:00 oclock respect to the lump that is the centre, Make an injection in these points with 5% sodium bicarbonate 70-100 ml every day for six days, Wait at least 1-2 months, then repeat the whole treatment if the lump is not completely disappeared, If some bruise or irritation appears, take 1-2 days break in doing injections, If there are palpable lymph nodes in the armpit, they could regress after treatment. Locate a portacath in the axillary cavity from where a catheter reaches the prostate artery. There have been no supporting human trials, at the time of this writing. David Gorski referred to that last one as "among the most ridiculous 'alternative cancer cures' I've ever seen", which says a lot. In case of skin cancer, Dr. Simoncini uses iodine tincture at a 7% solution. Dr. Simoncini knew the extreme sensitivity of fungi to saline and electrolytic solutions, so concluded sodium bicarbonate that is used in children's oral antacids could become a great weapon in his war on cancer. By using our site, you agree to our Terms of UseandPrivacy Policy. Disclaimer Testimony Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. Click or drag files to this area to upload. It reduces the fungi's ability to spread while directly and quickly treat the original fungus overgrowth to rid the body of cancer safely. Dr. He found that when the sodium bicarbonate (5% solution) was washed over the tumour sites, within weeks the tumours . This tumor is resistant to immune defenses due to its lactic acid production, inhibiting proactive cells from defeating the tumor. Dr. Simoncini is a leading proponent of sodium bicarbonate usage and believes that infection with fungus is the cause of cancer. Never miss Dr. Sircus updates. Take the water off the flame and stir in the baking soda and lemon juice. ), Side effects: In case of pain or irritation take 1 day break during the treatment The treatment to choose for melanomas is an iodine solution at seven (7) per cent, as it is capable of precipitating the proteins of the body of the fungus and destroying them completely in a short time. The Engagement Interview Protocol (EIP): improving the acceptance of mental health treatment among Chinese immigrants. Unlike conventional anti-fungal drugs, which fungi quickly adapt to, baking soda can rapidly destroy the tumor with little to no side effects. Candida in cancer patients is usually interpreted as a consequence of the weakening and of the exhaustion of the organism because of neoplastic lesions. To order the book see this website: Contact Dr. Simoncini telephone: (+39) 3389997821 telephone: (+39) 335294480 email: Social media You can help by putting a link on your Facebook or Instagram account. I've been on medication for four days, have more six to go, and want to start the protocol again once it's safe. Disclaimer If you are going to use high alkalinity as a treatment for cancer you need to work with an expert!! The information and/or products which on this website are reproduced are not meant to replace and/or to ignore the advice of a practicing physician. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. In 2016, McIntyre et al. Iodine to treat Skin Cancer. When added to water, it breaks down into carbonic acid and sodium hydroxide (lye). If the lesions are fairly small, they must be painted with the solution 10-20-30 times twice a day for five days and then once for another ten days so that they become very dark. Traduo Context Corretor Sinnimos Conjugao. Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. 10.1080/17542863.2010.507933 PMID: 25076983. Take 1-2 days break Sodium bicarbonate may have health benefits but its potential anticancer properties are still in the early stages of study. Jenny Hrbacek, RN set out on a life-changing journey when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009. Int J Cult Ment Health. 2nd and 3rd side effect: Thirst and Weakness (because of sodium bicarbonate infusions). These videos reveal an astonishing truth about cancer and its safe successful treatment. The maple syrup-baking powder combination targets . The information you will receive with our consultations is for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America, and should not in any way be used as a substitute for the advice of a physician or other licensed health care practitioner. The new, metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. He remains dedicated to our in office surgical program where minimally invasive treatments for BPH such as Urolift and Botox for Overactive Bladder are performed. After the sodium bicarbonate solution has been administrated into the bladder, keep it inside and turn the body 90 every 15 minutes. Antibiotics, indwelling catheter and obstructive uropathy were the most prevalent predisposing factors of the fungal infection. Simoncini makes the connection that fungal colonies and cancer colonies are the same colonies called by two different names. Senate on that, dr testimony university of traumas and proper diet should the most patients is excellent. Dr. Simoncini started his personal war against cancer in medical school when he heard cancer described as a terrible and mysterious monster. No other substances were recommended. Despite being disbarred from the Italian Medical Order because of his views, he has presented his theory at conferences ranging from the International Oncology Convention in Treviso, Italy and the 36th Annual Cancer Convention in Los Angeles. "This website is dedicated to the memory of all those who lost their lives rejecting a broken and corrupt system, while searching for the truth about cancer.". The currently recruiting trial centers on understanding the tumor response rate to TILA-TACE utilizing sodium bicarbonate as an emulsive and pH altering agent (delivery vehicle) for doxorubicin-lipiodol (chemotherapy) infusions. Side effects: Side effects: thirst and tiredness. threatened with jail. First, fix the leak, The full story on EMFs: Research, dangers, and how, Coffee enemas are a must in a toxic world, Cycling and Cancer: Do it for your physical and, Cardio workouts and cancer: Finding what works for you, The health benefits of water exercises for cancer patients, Physical fitness keys: nutrition, exercise, and rest, Rebounding: Science Behind the 7 Major Health Benefits of, Thermoregulation and sleep: Achieving the bodys optimum temperature, Coffee enemas and integrative cancer treatments, Why IV Vitamin C is effective in cancer treatment, Herceptin as a targeted therapy for breast cancer, I.V. Am Psychol. Tullio Simoncini claims that cancer is caused by a fungus and can be cured with the administration of sodium bicarbonate. However, in most cases, therapy by Dr. Simoncini request medical assistance, in the form of injections or intravenous therapy. Dr. Simoncini contends growth of a tumor is in no way affected by current oncological treatments. High blood pressure (hypertension) due to increased sodium. would be considered to be treating cancer.. Dr. Simoncini MD. Very interesting. was 42 and have had 2 children. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim, and there is good reason to believe that the treatment is dangerous. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, prevent or treat any disease but are proven useful for health and life extension. Ingesting high does of sodium bicarbonate could be risky. If available at the pharmacy it may instead be used a physiological solution. Cancer that begins in glandular (secretory) cells., Sodium carbonate. The FDAs recommended maximum daily dosage is 200 mEq sodium and 200 mEq bicarbonate in people up to 60 years old. Protocol of an oncologist tullio simoncini testimony The Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine (FAIM) is a private 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation. Testimony Some of my patients put their story on Youtube to show the world they survived. By Walter Last november 22 - start of the online promotion campaign in South America januari 2 - international webportal updated Science orthodox treatments Health effects of fungi Review by Nexus Magazine USA mainpage Dr. Simoncini's book Cancer is a fungus describes how a fungous infection always forms the basis of every neoplastic formation, and this formation tries to spread within the whole organism without stopping. Cancer in great part is an invasion invited by deteriorating/rotting cells) of yeast and fungi colonies. friends. and Biophosphonates, Side effects: thirst, tiredness, sleepiness or headache, SB administration and 1-2-3 days break must be adapted to the single case. Measure 1/4 cup Essiac tea herbs. Baking soda as a cancer treatment has been included in several studies, including a 2014 study led by Nazir Ahmad Dar, Ph.D., Salt tea consumption and esophageal cancer: A possible role of alkaline beverages in esophageal carcinogenesis. In the same city, he attended specialized studies in diabetes and metabolic diseases. But none of them have been found at biopsy. One of the first patients I treated was an 11-year-old child, a case which immediately indicated that I was on the right track. Today, she has launched a national campaign to change the way that cancer is detected. I was listening tonight to Dr. Simoncini who has pioneered the sodium bicarb treatment for cancer.