Long story short my ex dumped me. Your best bet might be to stay with your gf for now, bond with your child and forge a relationship with him/her. This may not change her decision, but best to be honest. as expected the women are been overly sentimental, ganging up on the guy insulting, and throwing reason out the window. I'm curious to find out how it turned out for you. Just here to say I constantly feel guilty for all of the crying I have done this pregnancy. Where are you from? I've been trying to put my pride/ego/whatever aside and be with her, but it really kills me. To begin, the average cost of vaginal delivery in the US, with health insurance, is $4,300. What can I do please? Adoption is for some people who want to unselfishly make sure the child is cared for and loved by people who can support it just like toughing it out and having the child, supporting it, and loving it is for others. Welcome to the world little one! we ended u divorcing in 6 years anyway. back out now, "Leaving a pregnant girlfriend with your child, in my view is very selfish and irresponsible. not the father, mother or child. She's too far along to have an abortion.,. SHE DESERVES A SAYING IN THIS! We are deciding if we should divorce now or later when she is bigger. Hey I know exactly how you feel. No going back. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. The Stages of Wanting to Have a Baby, by Age From being adorably clueless to using all the condoms to #MomLife. Sheffield Utd X Tottenham - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Grtis HD. He wasn't meant for marriage, he was a party guy, a free bird, and only got married because he was afraid I'd sue him for child support later. The baby grew in her, she birthed it, she fed it, and she nurtured it every step of the way. Right now her parents are planning to bring her over to my house. I didn't want to waste one more day of my life feeling empty and with someone I didn't even like. To allow yourself to stay in a toxic relationship will be useless. I JUST came here to vent not telling people I'm snobby or lazy which I've never been! I was in the same boat. It was ok if we didn't want to be together. sit the lady down n explain things to her and the most important thing is take very good care of your child. He made a baby with you but doesn't seek out or make an effort to spend time with his daughter. Good luck. Made a mistake without any intention to make it surely will freak someone out. You are right it is not fair to her. That's when one of them dropped the term . He is capable of choosing to be with you and not having a child with you, or leaving if he decides he wants a child more. I too feel torn by a similar situation. It's his car, it's not petty if he keeps it. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. If you've only been together 3 mos, where did you live before you met? If you'd like to talk more you could Facebook message me my names Logan Downey this is my profile pic but in rainbow. It stressed us kids out like you wouldn't believe, all the kids are dysfunctional, serious trust issues. Does it feels good to fake your feelings? love should beget love and not hate or fear..something society always As I read the last couple lines I typed, I sound so selfish. Long story as short as possible! Obviously she is going to get custody if we split up. NOW YOU WONT BE ALWAYS PHYSICALLY THERE, BUT BECUASE YOU ARE A HAPPY PERSON THAT WILL TRANSLATE THAT. Accept That You Will Never Be First. I've been with my boyfriend for years and I still don't know if I love him. Single. When I had my first baby as a young single mom, I didn't have a car and I figured it out with the help of my family. Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade have welcomed their first baby to their family. The problem I have now is that have a beautiful baby girl with one girl I impregnated whom I dont love. My only advice is to make sure you don't make your or your wife or your baby's life miserable. At least you know your decision to not hook up with a guy was definitely the right one if he insults you for it. I do feel sorry for you and the situation you are in. Knowing that you don't want to have the relationship with someone, you will never be able to fake your feelings for temporary happiness. cos it not easy to becme a single mother huh. All i will advice him to do is to sit the girl in question down and talk to her in a matured way. U r runnin away from marriage cos u didn love her b4 ?? FTM. Most were married to . Call your old boss, call family and friends, research aid and stop telling yourself you're stuck. !So the next time you wake up and look at the zit face woman you married that disgusts you and you hate her because you could have banged all the women you wanted but she got knocked up! I honestly could not ever think of missing out on this child's growing up, especially the early stages. So, chances are, she's not speaking as she normally would. Many of us are (heavily) pregnant and still working. I want to leave my 4 months pregnant girlfriend !! It's stressful I have strong feelings for him and he says he does to but it's not just are little fantasy anymore things got so rushed and our maturity levels are so different. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. "Most women will find intercourse painful up until the three-month mark," notes Ross. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. That is exactly how I feel about my life over the past 8 years - it feels like I have been sleepwalking. If you don't love her then don't be with her. I too got burned with the kid trap. This relationship is bad for my wife and me. Wear a condom, or allow some woman to own your future (and your money) for a couple decades of your life! Rightfully so! Noooo you have to marry and then spend the rest of your lives in hell with someone you slept with? Get a job and find a place to live. Don't try to be super-parent and don't let other people's unfair assumptions affect how you see yourself and your family. My eldest is 3 then one nearly 2 and one due any time, we dont fight too much but dont love each other, dont even like each other, I just dont want the kids not to have family days and stuff? I am planning to sit tight for now and make sure i am there for her and the child when it comes along. As for my girlfriend, I love this person and i will do my best to make it work out. As opposed to hanging out with friends and other men she isn't in love with, she may be much more outgoing and boisterous. long story short. Add to Collection. Be strong. Forgotting that there's gonna be 3 children in his life forever? I am at a loss as to what I must do. SCENARIO 1: STAY WITH HER BECUASE SHE IS PREGNANT (THIS IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP). There are reasons on why you should never date a pothead. I find the really difficult and I just have idea what do. I hope you find what you're looking for. I do have family but financially they can't help me or buy me a car bc he would be petty enough to keep the one he got me, it's under his name, I don't have anywhere to go or any Finances since I quit my job moving in with him. It does make someone feel down and stressed out but, look at the big picture. If I could do something different, it would be to divorce as soon as my last daughter was born. I know daddies who didn't feel a connection to their babies until they held them for the first time and like someone else said, maybe that'll be the case for you. Remember, the decision you make will decide whether you will be happy or not in the near future. To help you make the fewest blunders possible, let me give you a few tips: 1. I have 6 sisters and three brothers. 37 weeks today. I got pregnant and was pressured to get married. What kept us together is our deep friendship and and our ability to communicate. You will need to know on how to get a Taurus man make a decision due to your current situation. Sometimes it feels like you just can't win. If you do not want posts which do not comply with your state of mind, don't post. . Don't just jump into the discussion; ease your way into it. I tried to make myself love him. seriously.. i find it hard to understand SOME MEN. In fact, before we found out I was pregnant (which was completely unplanned) I was thinking of breaking up with him. He has been nothing but supportive, but I do not love him. You need to get in contact with services and leave. And which case, most would be use safe sex and if thy got pregnant, they would try for an abortion. Nobody forces you to live with him, if you really don't like him, you can find a job and leave. SAY IT AGAIN! And the same with me. No we were together 3 months when I got pregnant. You should do what will make you happy. Paula Perry has a multi-page spreadsheet titled "Squirrels," which details the health and wellness of tiny, injured baby squirrels she keeps in her house. Whether the mistake were made with or without your intention, it still your mistake anyway. Honestly if I wouldn't of gotten pregnant I would not be with him. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. I try to act normal as Bella and I sit here talking, even though I'm feeling abnormally attracted to her even . Spend time with like-minded people who love and respect your choices. It will not update but downgrade yourself. Good one boys real mature!! Right? Everything that we do, we have to bear all consequences. useless boy!! He was a rebound for me. Being pregnant isn't an excuse to work not work, I worked up until I was 38 weeks along by choice. You do make a lot of sense and i guess this is the only way forward. When I did he the. My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! What now? Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. A year has passed, we have a beautiful little girl that I love with all my heart, but our marriage life is a disaster. I don't need judge mental opinions just ideas and support. Especially in your baby's life! I just put myself on hold. We are two total opposite people. So are you guys in a relationship or just friend with benefits? She is a good person, and a fantastic catch for somebody unfortunately that person is not me. Source these things out and make a plan to leave. Maybe he doesn't like being used. I'm sorry this is long but I have no one else. I am a single mom and have been for a few years- however, my first child was planned with my fiance' and we were madly in love and it was the greatest, happiest time of my life. We don't have to be together to love our children. It would feel odd. Help :(. It is helped by a rush of love when the baby arrives, but that doesn't have to be present to create a positive, warm, loving connection which is what love is." For me, even weeks later, those warm . So, we got married. They had to do it because the marriage was arranged or demanded, as their families saw them as a burden and financial responsibility to be passed on to a man who was willing to take her off their hands. I wish I wasn't pregnant by him. He will probably try to then use the baby against you. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.